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Activity: Role Play for Creative Evaluation of a Project

This activity can help in the assessment and evaluation of a project as well as a session.

Objective: To evaluate a session or workshop in a relaxed and creative way

Materials: None

Duration: 30 minutes for preparation and 10-20 minutes for enacting


  • Tell participants early in the workshop that you would like to ask them to engage in an innovative way of evaluating the project when it comes to an end
  • Ask them to think about preparing a short play, role play or cartoon that would say something about what has been happening in the project
  • Give participants time to prepare near the end of the project
  • Open up a session for the role plays/short plays

Comments: These are often funny pieces of satire that tell facilitators more about the project than a formal evaluation form. The format also allows participants to say things they could not say in a more formal way.

To Learn More: Refer to Participatory Learning and Action, A Trainer’s Guide by Pretty Guijt, Thompson and Scoones, 1995, London.