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Activity: Community Celebration

This activity is required for the successful ending of a project for reflection and self-assessment of the participants.


  • Celebration of the end of the project
  • Reflection on the lessons learned through the process
  • Recognition and encouragement to the participants
  • Communicating participants' perspectives to the rest of the community
  • Identifying social issues for future projects

Materials: Snacks and drinks for everyone, projector, screen and a desktop/laptop, or a DVD or video cassette player, poster paper and markers.

Duration: 1 to 3 hours

Activists watching a movie made by them at the end of project session , Charlestown Computer Clubhouse, Boston

Procedure: The project should end with a celebration of the work done with a snack and drinks party and a story-telling and/or exhibition session. A short movie made by the kids describing the work done by them for the project should be shown to all the participants, facilitators and volunteers at this session. The story telling brings about reflection and recognition for the participants and inspiration for other children and youth in the community. It also encourages more people to participate in YAN. Posters with photographs that were created for the project should also be exhibited on the walls. There should be discussion amongst the facilitators and the participants about the adopted approach for the project. This discussion will further lead to issues about the other approaches that could have been more effective and the obstacles for not having adopting those. The discussion should also include other socially relevant topics for future projects.

To see photos of story telling and exhibition session at Charlestown Computer Clubhouse, click here.