of Venue:
The nature and type of venue
for the YAN activities can affect the functioning of the sessions.
Following factors should be kept in mind while choosing a
venue for the sessions:
- Find a venue with open space
for a session with a role play activity
- Consider the location of
the group in a room with distractions. For example, if a
room has a window with much movement outside, it would be
wise to sit and talk away from it; do not sit in the way
of people passing through the room; avoid a room with a
telephone that may ring and disturb a session; there should
be no columns blacking each others views
- Check the room for working
electrical power points for connecting computers, slide
projectors, film projectors, television etc. if required
for a session
- Is it allowed to put up
chart paper, drawings or presentations on the wall for a
session in the room; and if so, is there enough space on
the wall to do that?