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Project Lifecycle

The activities of a YAN project are based on the following Project Lifecycle :

Description of each phase of the Project Cycle:

Start: This is where the projects begin. The goal here is to present YAN to the new members and get to know each other.

Problem Identification: The goal here is to create an environment for the young activists to identify personally meaningful social issues in their community.

Analysis: In this phase, the young activists attempt at understanding the issues identified in the earlier phase in greater depth with the aid of interviews, research etc. in the community.

Planning: Based on the information collected in the Analysis phase, the activists decide what they would do about the issues identified and how they would go about it.

Action: In this phase, the activists execute the steps decided upon in the Planning phase.

Evaluation & Reflection: In this phase, the members and facilitators assess their results and achievements.This may also lead them to conclude that a different kind of action was required or it may lead them to a new problem.

To Learn More: Refer to Children's Participation, The Theory and Practice of Involving Young Citizens in Community Development and Environmental Care, by Roger A. Hart, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, 1997