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Information on Mentor and Facilitator Recruiting

Facilitator Recruiting:
  • Identifying Other Players: It is important to identify other key players in the process of the project, like local organizations and local individuals holding responsible posts in the community who will be able to guide the YAN group by providing key information or support for their process. As a good start, it is advisable that facilitators start networking with these organizations and introduce them to YAN objectives. Make contact with experienced YAN people in your city or other cities and countries, to develop a project plan.
  • Identify and Training Volunteers and other Facilitators: An early priority is to identify key resource people who will be actively involved right from the start and support the project as volunteers or facilitators. It may be necessary to hold a public meeting or arrange a theatre show to inform people of the YAN project. By using some form of participatory and informal approach you can give everyone in the community an idea of the project plan and objectives to motivate them to join YAN. Ideally the facilitators should belong to the same community as the participants, sharing their identity and status. They should have an interest in, and some awareness of, power issues and be open to new ideas.
  • Understanding the Context: It is important to collect basic information concerning the present situation of the potential participants. This may take many forms, depending on the objectives, the organization, or the people involved. This information can serve both as a basis for planning and designing the YAN projects, and for future monitoring and evaluation. The process of collecting this basic information may be integrated into the early stages of the projects.

Mentor Recruiting

Things to consider when recruiting mentors:

  • Although groups of colleagues tend to work very well together, it is probably a good idea to mix mentors from different organizations or universities. This way the chances of all of them having to leave or be absent at the same time can be minimized.
  • Mentors should be provided with appropriate transportation means to reach the YAN sites. The communities we work with are usually located far from mainstream areas.
Other essentials & materials required for facilitators:  
  • Materials about YAN
  • Manual or information about project lifecycle & attributes
  • Collection of example of activities to be developed with Young Activists
  • FAQ and discussion list only for YAN facilitators
  • Monthly meeting connecting YAN facilitators of the region
  • A space or website for writing journals
  • YAN box to store information about young activits and sessions
  • Classes/workshops/talks about technology, leaderships, working with kids etc.
  • Certificate of being a YAN facilitator