Information for New Organizations
Following are the requirements
for establishing a new YAN space:
- Selection of a community
- Organization
of introductory meetings and info sessions to identify
local schools and youth movements in the city.Get in touch
with local teachers and youth leaders to explain what
YAN is and recruit young people
- Carry
out short presentations in classrooms
- Distribute posters and
flyers in the community
- At the info session, make
a presentation about YAN, show projects developed by other
communties, explain how people can collaborate, give dates
of next meeting, pass around an interest form
- Organize the orientation
session for facilitators- a meeting for all who filled
out the interest form. This meeting should discuss in
detail the attributes of the projects, talk about the
support materials available,the monthly meetings and journals
- From the workshops, plan
interaction with the community, sessions with activists,
get more info on community
- Then start the project
Essentials for the working
of YAN space:
- 1 or 2 weeklysessions
wth young people of 2 hours each
- Celebration at the end
of each project
- Meetings/conferences once
every six months with other young activists from other
- Frequent meetings to talk
about how things are going
read more on recruiting mentors and facilitators, click
here. |