MIT Media Lab Course Syllabus - MAS 761

Common Sense for Interactive Applications
Henry Lieberman

(Syllabus subject to change)

Introduction to Commonsense Interfaces


H Lieberman, H Liu, P Singh, B Barry: 2004, Beating common sense into interactive applications, AI Magazine 25(4): 63-76. AAAI Press.

M Minsky: 2000, Commonsense-based interfaces, Communications of the ACM 43(8): 67-73. ACM Press.

Please familiarize yourself with Justify, a new application for deliberation that we'll be using for class discussion.

To get to the class discussion, after logging in, from the Edit menu, Choose Find, then type in the box (whose title contains), "MAS 761" and the link will be on the right

(sorry for the complex navigation, we'll have a direct link soon).


Common Sense Knowledge and Inference

AnalogySpace: Reducing the Dimensionality of Commonsense Knowledge, Robert Speer, Catherine Havasi and Henry Lieberman, Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-08), Chicago, July 2008.

Digital Intuition: Applying Common Sense Using Dimensionality Reduction, Catherine Havasi, James Pustejovsky, Robert Speer, Henry Lieberman, IEEE Intelligent Systems 24(4), pp. 24-35, July 2009.


Common Sense Software Boot Camp: Introduction to using the Common Sense tool

Please make an account for yourself on the Open Mind Common Sense Web Site.

Practice adding some knowledge, browsing existing knowledge, and generally familiarizing yourself with the site.

Interactive tutorial introduction to the D4D "Divisi for Dummies" Commonsense software toolkit. Access to Commonsense software via Javascript.

ConceptNet semantic network and Divisi inference toolkit. (Click on Documentation tab). Python download. If you have trouble you may need this patch.

Commonsense for Mobile Interfaces

Henry Lieberman, Alexander Faaborg, José Espinosa, and Tom Stocky, Common Sense on the Go: Giving Mobile Applications an Understanding of Everyday Life, British Telecom Technology Journal, Vol. 22, Number 4, October 2004.

Espinosa, H Lieberman: 2005, A Goal-Oriented Interface to Consumer Electronics using Planning and Commonsense Reasoning, September 2005.

T Stocky, A Faaborg, H Lieberman: 2004, A commonsense approach to predictive text entry, Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI-04). ACM Press, pp. 1163-1166.


Decision Support

Decision-Making Should Be More Like Programming, Christopher Fry and Henry Lieberman,


Intro to Applications: Photos, Speech, Predictive Typing, Calendar

H Lieberman, H Liu: 2002, Adaptive linking between text and photos using common sense reasoning, Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Systems. LNCS 2347, Springer.

Dustin Smith, Henry Lieberman , Collecting and Using Knowledge About Goals for Personal Event Management, CHI 2008.

Alexander Faaborg, Waseem Daher, Henry Lieberman and José Espinosa, How to Wreck a Nice Beach You Sing Calm Incense. . International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2005, January 9-12 2005, San Diego.

Related Work (Cyc, ThoughtTreasure, Semantic Web, Conventional KR, etc.)


DB Lenat: 1995, Cyc: a large-scale investment in knowledge infrastructure. Communications of the ACM 38(11).

ET Mueller: 1998, ThoughtTreasure: a natural language/commonsense platform. Accessed from

E Mueller 2006, Commonsense Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.

GA Miller et al.: Five papers on WordNet. Princeton University.

T Berners-Lee, J Hendler, O Lassila: 2001, The semantic web. Scientific American 284(5), pp. 28-37. May, 2001.

Recommender Systems

Commonsense Reasoning for Detection, Prevention and Mitigation of Cyberbullying, Karthik Dinakar, Birago Jones, Catherine Havasi, Henry Lieberman, and Rosalind Picard, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems (ACM TiiS), Volume 2, Number 3, 2012.

Intelligent Assistance for Conversational Storytelling Using Story Patterns, Pei-Yu (Peggy) Chi and Henry Lieberman, ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Palo Alto, CA, February 2011.

What Am I Gonna Wear: Scenario-Oriented Recommendation, Edward Shen, Henry Lieberman, and Francis Lam, submitted to ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-07), Honolulu, January 2007.

Common Consensus: A Web-based Game for Collecting Commonsense Goals, Henry Lieberman, Dustin Smith, Alea Teeters, submitted to ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-07), Honolulu, January 2007.


Applications survey: Inferring user goals (Goose, Creo/Miro/Adeo, etc.)

A Faaborg, H Lieberman: 2005, A Goal-oriented Web browser. CHI 06, Montréal.

H Liu, H Lieberman, T Selker: 2002, Goose: a goal-oriented search engine with commonsense, Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, LNCS 2347 Springer, pp. 253-263.

H Lieberman, A Kumar: 2005,Providing expert advice by analogy for on-line help, ACM/IEEE Conference on Web Intelligence & Intelligent Agent Technology, Compiègne, France.


Common Sense in Languages and Cultures

Junia Anacleto, Henry Lieberman, Marie Tsutsumi, Vânia Neris, Aparecido Carvalho, Jose Espinosa and Silvia Zem-Mascarenhas, Can Common Sense Uncover Cultural Differences in Computer Applications?, IFIP World Computer Conference, Santiago, Chile, August 2006.:

Hyemin Chung, GlobalMind - Bridging the Gap Between Different Cultures and Languages with Common-sense Computing, MS Thesis, August 2006.

R Musa, M Scheidegger, A Kulas, Y Anguilet: 2003, Globuddy, a dynamic broad context phrase book, Proceedings of CONTEXT 2003. LNCS 2680, pp. 467-474

J Chung, R Kern, H Lieberman: 2004, Topic spotting common sense translation assistant, Proceedings of CHI 2005. ACM Press. pp. 1280-1283


Logical Inference and Common Sense Inference


D Lenat: The dimensions of context space, CyCorp.

E Davis, L Morgenstern: 2004, Progress in formal commonsense reasoning, Introduction to the Special Issue on Formalization of Common Sense. Artificial Intelligence Journal 153(1–2): 1–12.

J McCarthy: 1958, Programs with common sense, Teddington Conference on the Mechanization of Thought Processes, December 1958.

J McCarthy: 1986, Applications of circumscription to formalizing common sense knowledge, Artificial Intelligence.

Improving knowledge collection and knowledge quality

T Chklovski, Y Gil: 2005, Improving the design of intelligent acquisition interfaces for collecting world knowledge from web contributors. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2005). October 2-5, 2005, Banff, Canada.

C Matuszek, M Witbrock, R Kahlert, J Cabral, D Schneider, P Shah, D Lenat: 2005, Searching for common sense: populating Cyc from the web. Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Lv Ahn and L Dabbish: 2004, Labeling images with a computer game, ACM Conference on Computers and Human Interaction (CHI-2004).

SD Richardson, WB Dolan, L Vanderwende: 1998, MindNet: acquiring and structuring semantic information from text, ACL'98: 36th Annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International conference on computational linguistics, ACL, 1998, CONF 17, Vol. 2, pp. 1098-1102.

L Vanderwende: 2005, Volunteers created the web. Proceedings of the AAAI 2005 Spring Symposium Series, working notes of the symposium on Knowledge Collection from Volunteer Contributors. Stanford, CA.

Applications survey: Affect, personality, viewpoints (Empathy Buddy, WWTT, Aesthetiscope, etc.)

H Liu, H Lieberman, T Selker: 2003, A model of textual affect sensing using real-world knowledge. Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces 2003, ACM Press, pp 125-132.:

H Liu, P Maes: 2004, What would they think? A computational model of attitudes. Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces 2004, ACM Press, pp. 38-45

ET Mueller, MG Dyer: 1985, Towards a computational theory of human daydreaming. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 120-129

H Liu, P Maes: 2005, The aesthetiscope: visualizing aesthetic readings of text in color space. Proceedings of AI in Music and Art, FLAIRS 2005, AAAI Press, pp. 74-79

Project workshop

Final project presentations