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Teen Pregnancy Event

The project involved building awareness in their community about the social issue of teen pregnancy by organizing a teen pregnancy event in the clubhouse.

Duration: 02.2004 - 05.2004
Location: Chelsea Computer Clubhouse, Boston, MA, USA

Participants Description Home page Photo Album

Activists: 12

1st Session: The kids were asked to fill out questionnaires (yan-community-issues-form and the yan-member- interest-form). YAN past projects and objectives were discussed and flyers about YAN were put up in various places in the clubhouse.

2nd Session:The next session bagan by using the TakingItGlobal framework. A worksheet from www.takingITglobal.org was handed out and the kids were asked to list their interests, skills and desires in preparation of undertaking a project and spent about 10 minutes having the kids fill in diagrams about their interests and their skills. An activity where they created their "activist identities" was conducted. Pictures of the kids were taken and then they Photoshoped their images into superheroes of Chelsea. The kids came up with a lot of creative images of themselves.

3rd Session:In this session specific roles for activists for the general meeting structure were defined. For example,the Secretary writes down what happens at meeting, gets attendance, writes agenda;Videographer mans camera during session and uploads it at the end of each meeting to the server;Meeting Chair makes sure we are following the agenda, makes sure everyone is at the meeting, pays attention to the time, and calls on people;Planning Committee plans for the next meeting.

Three issues, teen pregnancy, drugs and gangs were selected out of the many different issues mentioned in the questionnaires and TakingItGlobal worksheet by the kids. The kids were organized into three groups each assigned with one of the topics.The kids discussed in their groups why their issue was the most important followed by a mock debate. Lastly, a final vote decided the overall winner as Teen Pregnancy.

4th Session:A scavenger hunt was done to find information and resources on teen pregnancy in general and Chelsea in particular.

5th Session: The next session started with the kids deciding on who would fill which
roles, and this was a great moment that was very much youth led. An award was given to Katie for her stellar attendance record. She seemed very surprised and
happy and the group responded with a round of clapping. It was planned to have a teen mother (a former Club member) come in to speak to the group.A list of questions to be asked were prepared as a group. In the end the mother did not show up, which seemed to disappoint the group a little. It was suggested by a facilitator that the questions could be asked of any teen mother. Three ways of action on the issue were described by the whole group:

- Direct Action demonstration, protest, etc
- Educational Campaign leafet, video, etc
- Lobbying Superintendent of School, Principal, etc.

6th Session: It was decided to conduct interviews in the community as a way to approach the issues above. This session was dedicated to practicing the interview question amongst the activists' group. Some of the questions were-

- Can you describe your life just before you got pregnant?
- What kind of information would have been most useful to you before you got pregnant?
- Can you describe the time that you found out you where pregnant?
- How did you feel when you found out?
- Who did you talk to?
- Who helped you out the most?
- How did your family react?
- How did the father of the baby react?
- Is he still involved?
- Can you describe your life after you got pregnant? etc....

7th Session: It was decided that the kids would go and talk to ROCA, a local organization similar to the Boys and Girls Club with a major focus on teen pregnancy, and Sam, a social worker who ran a Baby Think It Over Dolls program in the club.We had three cameras The activists were organized into three groups with four or five activists in each with one mentor for each group. One group went out to interview other kids about teen pregnancy, one went to interview Sam and the third went to shoot some stuff with the Baby Think It Over dolls. The activists got very good footage and a very good interview with Sam.

8th Session: The kids were shown how to use Windows Movie Maker to make a simple movie. One facilitator was also willing to write some scripts for the skits. The activists and facilitators divided themselves into four grouos focussed on the following tasks:

- video production on few pieces we could do in the Club
- fundraiser idea planning
- editing
- writing

A Teen Pregnancy event was organized for YAN members, former YAN members, and guests. There were 50+ visitors. The Clubhouse was divided into stations, with computers set up for various uses - teenpregnancy.org computer based test, and each of the three YAN videos. The kids set up an information table, with signs and maps. The event was very well received and the energy was very good. The kids did a really great job.

9th Session: The last session was marked by a celebration of the project with a show of the footage of the Teen Pregnancy event and cakes and balloons and paper plate awards for everyone.The kids passed a balloon around and each one took a turn saying what they were thankful for. One group also put on a dance performance.