MIT Media Lab | Cambridge, MA
I am a proud daughter of Prince George’s County, Maryland, a strong community that inspired my love of engineering, education, and social change. I am a PhD candidate at the MIT Media Lab in the Personal Robots Group . I am passionate about using technology and education as uplifting forces in society.
Download CVMy research aim is to create sustaining bridges between communities and technology to drive innovation.
Leveraging AI, robotics, and HCI I design and explore technologies that positively impact society according to the following research themes:
Empowering the next generation of tech change-makers
Personal Robots Group
The Impact.AI literacy framework covers the AI knowledge and perspectives that align with a technosocial change agent identity.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group & I2 Learning
How to Train Your Robot is a curriculum for middle school students to explore AI and ethics, then build projects with real-world impact.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group
AI for Wellbeing is a middle school curriculum exploring conversational AI, equity in healthcare, and design justice through hands-on activities.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group & MIT RAISE
The Raise AI Playground suite of block-based programming tools allows anyone to use and create machine learning, robotics, and AI projects.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group
Doodlebot is a mobile, social, drawing robot designed for K-12 AI curricula. It engages learners and enables hands-on practice.
READ MOREMicrosoft Research
ML Blocks are a block-based user interface for creating TinyML models. With ML BLocks users can train and deploy microcontroller models.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group and Parque La Libertad
GenAI K2 and PrimaryAI 35 introduce early learners to robotics and AI through hands-on lessons in engineering, art, and psychology.
READ MOREMIT Media Lab, Spring 2019 & 2020
MAS.S65 was a project-based course that explored “how we might empower middle-school students to learn about AI through hands-on lessons?"
Responsibly designing AI systems with key stakeholders for real-world impact
Personal Robots Group & AppInventor
S.P.A.R.K.I. is a GPT-powered chatbot that provides programming assistance, gives students feedback on their ideas, and socially mediates creative thinking.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group, UROP Project
LevelUp is an automatic code analysis tool built into a block-based programming platform that gives users continuous feedback on their machine learning projects.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group
The Preschool-Oriented Programming (POP) Platform is a social robot platform that introduces young children to programming, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
READ MORECollecting narratives about AI past, present, & future
Personal Robots Group
We explored young children's perceptions of AI, and how learning about AI influenced their beliefs.
READ MOREPersonal Robots Group
We studied how children (3-10 years old) interacted with voice personal assistants and smart toys.
Personal Robots Group
We adapted and created assessments to measure young children's long-term relationships with social robots.
Advancing the field of AI through outreach and interdisciplinary collaborations.
I am a co-director of the Black in Robotics Boston Chapter. We host professional development and social activities for people in the robotics community (undergraduate, academia, industry, etc.) who identify as African-American. Visit the website to join the mailing list and hear about upcoming events.
Women + Majors week was an outreach initiative launched in 2020 by university students from the Monterrey Institutie of Technology. Over the course o f the week, more than 70 women gathered virtually to engage in workshops about different STEM careers. I ran a two-day bilingual workshop introducing participants to Artificial Intelligence and considering how we might use machine learning for meaningful societal impact.
In Summer 2019 I took a trip to Accra, Ghana to visit the Practical Education Network and Ashesi University. While I was there, I met with educators at an orphanage and local school to run AI workshops.
In 2014 I co-led UMBC's first hackathon under the banner "Hacking to Improve Campus Life." Although hackathons are popular in some communtiies, one had never happened in any instituion in Baltimore before. We focused our work on creating opportunities for students who don't usually engage in CS to explore it. PuppyHacks continues to this day!
This work inspired hackathons around the city, notably the Protect and Serve hackathon in West Baltimore that brought together community members and law enforcement officers.
CS Ed Week CS Hero
- CS Teacher's Association
Day of AI with Randi Williams
- AVID Open Access
2023 Do scientists have superpowers? (includes coloring page) - BrainsOn
Unleashing Creativity: Blocks and Curricula for K-12 AI Ed
- Google Blockly Developer Summit
PopBots Open AI to the Youngest Learners
- HelloWorld Raspberry Pi Foundation
Curious Scientist of the Year Award
- Cambridge Science Festival
Announcing the 2021 Microsoft Research Fellows
- Microsoft Research
Harvard CRCS Rising Stars Lecture
- Harvard University
Celebrating Teaching Assistants in MAS
- MIT Media Lab
Bringing artificial intelligence into the classroom, research lab, and beyond
- MIT News
LEGO and MIT Partner on Ethics in AI
A lesson in machine learning with Randi Williams! - Raspberry Pi Foundation
Introducing Role Model Randi Williams, Robotics Researcher
- Career Girls
How to Train Your Robot Teacher Training - YouTube channel
Introduction to PopBots
- YouTube channel
PopBots, the MIT platform teaching AI to kids
- Education 3.0
PopBots: A Hands-on STEAM platform for the AI generation
- Medium
Announcing the 2019 LEGO Papert Fellows
- MIT Media Lab
Bringing artificial intelligence and MIT to middle school classrooms
- MIT News
Teaching AI to Preschoolers
- TWIML AI Podcast
What was the first robot?
- BrainsOn
2017 Should Children Form Emotional Bonds With Robots?
- The Atlantic
Kids and AI Devices
- Medium
Growing Up With Alexa
- MIT Technology Review
Connecting Kids From Diverse Backgrounds to Tech
- White House Archives
In tech, some minorities are too minor. This group wants to change that
- Fortune
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