BORN: 1954 - New York City, New York, U.S.A.
EDUCATION: 1974-78 B.F.A. Massachusetts Coof Art
2002,00,98,95 Faculty, Penland School, Penland N.C.
2000, 93, 89, 83 Faculty, Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood Washington
2000, 97, 96, 93 Visiting Artist, Penland School, Penland N.C.
1999- Workshop, Ohio State University
1996, 94 Workshops Pratt Fine Arts Center, Seattle, Washington
1995 Glass Symposium, guest artist, Franuenau Germany
1994 Lecture Renwick Gallery , Smithsonian Institution , Washington D.C.
1998,93 Visiting Artist , Pilchuck Glass School , Stanwood Washington
1993 Workshop , British Columbia Glass Art Assoc. )Vancouver , B.C. Canada
1993 Workshop , Centro De Arte Vitro , Monterrey, Mexico
1993 Lecture, University of Monterrey, Mexico
1989 Workshop , Konstfackskolan (National College of Art and Design )
1989 Lecture, Konstnarshem , Stockholm, Sweden
1989 Workshop Wolverhampton Polytechnic, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
1989 Workshop, Sunderland Polytechnic, Sunderland, United Kingdom
1986 Artist-in-Residence, Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood Washington
1985-80 Faculty Pratt Fine Arts Center Seattle, Washington
2000 Chappelll Gallery , Boston Mass
1999 Vetri Gallery, Seattle,WA.
1998(in collaboration with James Mongrain)Floating Glasses, William Traver
Gallery, Seattle, Washington
1995,94,91,87,85 William Traver Gallery, Seattle, Washington
1995 Bubba Mavis Gallery , Seattle, Washington ( in collaboration with
Dick Weiss )
1991, 86 The Glass Gallery, Bethesda, Maryland
1984 Dorothy Weiss Gallery, San Francisco, California
1983 Habatat Galleries, Detroit, Michigan
1982 Horizon Gallery, Mill Valley, California
1981 Heller Gallery, New York, N.Y.
2002 "25th Anniversary Show" William Traver Gallery , Seattle,
2001 Hauberg Fellowship, William Traver Gallery , Seattle, WA
2000 Pilchuck glass- SeaTac International Airport, Seattle, WA.
2001 The Glass Cavnvas, Heller Gallery , NYC, NY.
1999 Group show , Riley Hawk Gallery, Cleveland, Columbus Ohio
1998 Battle Creek Fine Arts Center , Battle Creek , Michigan
1998 The Fluid Canvas Chappell Gallery, Boston,Ma & SOFA Chicago
1998 The Society of Glass and Ceramic Decorators, New Orleans,La.
1998 Painting on glass, Morgan Contemporary Glass,Pittsburgh,Pa.
1998 3-Dimensional Canvas, Dorothy WeissGallery, San Francisco,Ca.
1997 " Hobbies 2000 " Bubba-Mavis Gallery Seattle, Washington
1997..'Celebrity: Figures of Worship,Fame, Fortune, Heroism and Infamy"
Bumbershoot ,Seattle, WA.
1997 "Glorious Glass" Owensboro Museum of Fine Arts, Owensboro
1997..Holter Museum of Fine Art, Montana
1997 Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, Massachusetts
1997 "Frozen Fire" Academy of the Arts, Easton, Maryland
1995 International Symposium , Frauenau, Germany
1995 " The Art of Painted Glass " Habatat Galleries, Boca Raton,
Fla. Aspen, Co.
1994 " The Beauty of Painted Glass " Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue,
1994 " Painted Glass " The Glass Gallery, Bethesda, Maryland
1993 - 1979 " Annual Pilchuck Glass Exhibition " William Traver
Gallery Seattle,Wa.
1993 " Walt Lieberman & Dick Weiss" Margo Jacobsen Gallery,
Portland, Oregon
1992 " Material Visions " Eastern Illinois University Charleston,
1992 " Contemporary Painting on Glass " William Traver Gallery
1992-1996 " Clearly Art: Pilchuck Glass Legacy, Whatcom Museum of
Bellingham, Washington
1988,83 Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, Washington
1988 " Pilchuck Glass " American Embassy , Prague Czech Republic
1987-97 " 200 Glasses of Beer " Virginia Inn, Seattle, Washington
1987,85 Jewish Community Museum , San Francisco, California
1987-81 Habatat National Invitational, Habatat Galleries, Detroit,Michigan
1985 Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa , Oklahoma
1985 " Narrative Glass " Susan Cummins Gallery, Miller Valley,
1985 , 84 " Glass America " Heller Gallery , New York City,
New York
1984 "Vancouver / Seattle " Surrey Art Gallery , British Columbia,
1984 " Boston Connection " Snyderman Gallery, Philadelphia,
1983 " Opening Show " Habatat Galleries
1979 New Glass traveling exhibition including Metropolitan Museum of Art,
NYC. , Victoria & Albert Museum , London,etc.
"John H.Hauberg Fellowship Inaugural Exhibition" by Ron Glowen,
Feb/March, American Craft Magazine
2001 Contemporary Glass: Color Light and Form,(book) Guild Publishing
2001 Object lessons (book) Guild Publishing
2000 Penland Line: fall issue(champagnes) Penland School of Crafts
2000 Urban Glass, Richard Yelle, editor( book)
1999 paint me a poem: a canvas of words (art & poetry publication)King
County Public Art Program,Washington
1999 Art & Antiques Magazine- November issue ( floating champagnes)
1999 Glass Quarterly fall issue (cover article by Matthew Kangas)
1999 Glass Art Magazine ( showcase section) March/April
1999 Seattle Magazine February issue, Seattle, Washington( article re:
floating glasses)
1998 Battle Creek Enquirer 11/14/98,Battle Creek ,Michigan (review)
1998 Kalamazoo Gazette 11/15/98, Kalamazoo Michigan (review)
1998 Seattle Weekly Dec. 17-24
1998 Telling Compelling Tales:Narrative Art in Glass Holter Museum of
Art (catalog)
1998 Ceramic Industry Dec. Issue
1998 American Style Magazine ,Dec issue (re: floating glasses)
1997 " New Glass Review " Neues Glas (magazine), May , Germany
1995 " The Art and Politics of Walter Lieberman " Neues Glas(magazine)
Jan. Germany
1995 " The Art of Painted Glass " (catalog) Habatat Galleries,
Boca Raton, Florida
1994 Sunset Magazine, September
1994,93,91,89 Glass Work (magazine) Japan
1993 " Clearly Art: Pilchuck Glass Legacy " (book) Lloyd Herman
1992 Seattle Times ( review) Matthew Kangas
1992 " Out of The Fire " (book) Bonnie Miller
1992 " Material Visions " (catalog) Eastern Illinois University
1988 " Pilchuck Glass School : The Great Northwest Experiment "(catalog)
Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, Washington
1988 Glass Art September-October (magazine) issue
1987 " The Art of Conscience " New Work (magazine) spring
1987 House & Garden , (magazine) February issue
1986 " Artwork " KCTS (educational TV documentary)
1986 Art in America (magazine) September issue
1985 Seattle-Post Intelligencer (newspaper review)
1984 Vancouver/ Seattle (catalog) Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey B.C. Canada
1984 Vanguard (magazine) November issue, Canada
1983 Pacific Northwest (magazine) December issue
Glasmuseum Frauenau, Frauenau , Germany
Lannan Foundation
Corning Museum of Glass (4 pieces)
Safeco Corporation
Washington State Arts Commission
City of Seattle
King County, Portable Works
Seattle Sheraton Hotel
John Hauberg,Seattle, Washington
Henry Lieberman, Boston , Massachusetts
Jon & Mary Shirley
2001 portrait:Kenojuak, Inuit artist, Price Collection
1999 Portrait : Charles Williams ,atty.(commercial)
1996 Botanical Paintings, Ruth & Jack Fay
1993 Janet Upjohn (lighting) Seattle, Washington
1989 President's Trophy, Safeco Corporation , Seattle, Washington
1986 New Market Skill Center, Tumwater, Washington ( state art commission)
1985 Compagne (lighting) Seattle, Washington
2001 Hauberg Fellowship, Pilchuck School of Glass
