'WD40+ : The Painted Glass and Prints of Walter Lieberman and Dick Weiss"
by Shawn Waggoner Art Glass(magazine) November/December issue
Dallas Morning News( November 7.2000)
"Our Lady of the Headlines"Glass Art Quarterly fall issue (cover
article by Matthew Kangas)
" The Art and Politics of Walter Lieberman " by Geoffrey Wichert
Glas(magazine) Jan. Germany
"John H.Hauberg Fellowship Inaugural Exhibition" by Ron Glowen,
Feb/March, American Craft Magazine
2001 Contemporary Glass: Color Light and Form,(book) Guild Publishing
2001 Object lessons (book) Guild Publishing
2000 Penland Line: fall issue(champagnes) Penland School of Crafts
2000 Urban Glass, Richard Yelle, editor( book)
1999 paint me a poem: a canvas of words (art & poetry publication)King
County Public Art Program,Washington
1999 Art & Antiques Magazine- November issue ( floating champagnes)
1999 Glass Art Magazine ( showcase section) March/April
1999 Seattle Magazine February issue, Seattle, Washington( article re:
floating glasses)
1998 Battle Creek Enquirer 11/14/98,Battle Creek ,Michigan (review)
1998 Kalamazoo Gazette 11/15/98, Kalamazoo Michigan (review)
1998 Seattle Weekly Dec. 17-24
1998 Telling Compelling Tales:Narrative Art in Glass Holter Museum of
Art (catalog)
1998 Ceramic Industry Dec. Issue
1998 American Style Magazine ,Dec issue (re: floating glasses)
1997 " New Glass Review " Neues Glas (magazine), May , Germany
1995 " The Art of Painted Glass " (catalog) Habatat Galleries,
Boca Raton, Florida
1994 Sunset Magazine, September
1994,93,91,89 Glass Work (magazine) Japan
1993 " Clearly Art: Pilchuck Glass Legacy " (book) Lloyd Herman
1992 Seattle Times ( review) Matthew Kangas
1992 " Out of The Fire " (book) Bonnie Miller
1992 " Material Visions " (catalog) Eastern Illinois University
1988 " Pilchuck Glass School : The Great Northwest Experiment "(catalog)
Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, Washington
1988 Glass Art September-October (magazine) issue
1987 " The Art of Conscience " New Work (magazine) spring
1987 House & Garden , (magazine) February issue
1986 " Artwork " KCTS (educational TV documentary)
1986 Art in America (magazine) September issue
1985 Seattle-Post Intelligencer (newspaper review)
1984 Vancouver/ Seattle (catalog) Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey B.C. Canada
1984 Vanguard (magazine) November issue, Canada
1983 Pacific Northwest (magazine) December issue
