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Chamada para o programa de FabLearn Fellows da Universidade de Columbia

  • Eis a chamada para o programa de FabLearn Fellows da Universidade de Columbia…

New Call for FabLearn Fellows at Teachers College, Columbia University: Cultural Making

Deadline: Sept 13th, 2020

More info at https://fablearn.org/fellows/2020-announcement/

The FabLearn Program and the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab at Columbia University in New York City are pleased to open applications for the third cohort of FabLearn Fellows. Each FabLearn Fellow — an educator in formal, informal, or alternative learning environments — is a pioneer in generating ideas, best practices, and open-source resources for makerspaces, fab labs, and other spaces for creative educational work. FabLearn Fellows are also global ambassadors communicating the value of constructionist learning, culturally-aware pedagogies, educational equity, and diversity.

The theme for this new call is “Cultural Making.” We want to engage diverse educators from all over the world in documenting ways that maker education is happening around the planet. We are interested in how local ideas, culture, and practices are both inspiring and being inspired by maker education, and how we can build a more diverse and meaningful movement – inspired by non-US scholars such as Freire, D’Ambrosio, and Carraher .

One of the key productions of the 2020 cohort will be an edited book, authored by the Fellows – “Cultural Making Around the World” – a comprehensive, global portrait of making practices using high-, low-, or no tech. We want to document and tell the stories of people using traditional digital fabrication but also alternative materials, such as recycled electronics, low-cost robotics, eco-friendly materials, bioplastics, clay, wood, natural fibers, and traditional textiles. We are also interested in how educators from around the world are adapting their maker-inspired activities to the new COVID-19 scenarios.

This 24-month commitment (October 2020 – September 2022) will provide teachers and educators with the resources to make their own successful education activities and experiences in makerspaces into shareable, open-source educational materials. This program targets educators who are either actively using or building makerspaces or fab labs, or who work in any alternative spaces in which children engage with the creation of objects–even if they do not have digital fabrication technologies.

More info at https://fablearn.org/fellows/2020-announcement/

More about the FabLearn Fellows Program

For questions, please email: info@fablearn.net

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