C. Breazeal, Designing Sociable Robots, MIT Press. 2002.
Y. Bar Cohen & C. Breazeal, Biologically Inspired Intelligent Robots, SPIE Press 2003.
Brown, J. (2005) "Robo world: The Story of Robot Designer Cynthia Breazeal." Woman Adventures in Science Series sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences. Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC.
C. Breazeal, Designing Sociable Robots, MIT Press. 2002.
Y. Bar Cohen & C. Breazeal, Biologically Inspired Intelligent Robots, SPIE Press 2003.
Brown, J. (2005) "Robo world: The Story of Robot Designer Cynthia Breazeal." Woman Adventures in Science Series sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences. Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC.