THz time-gated imaging on MIT news (Nature Comm. Sep 2016)
Tyndall windows on MIT News (ACS photonics Jun. 2016)
Optical brush featured on MIT news. Click below to see the full story. (Feb 2016)
Invited talk at
event on "Imagine out loud; fusion of art and science" (Aug 2015)
The talk sheds a new light on the way state of the art technologies are formed at the conceptual level. The process seems to be a combination of artistic creativity and engineering sanity check that is iterated to bring down an idea to reality.
Opening note for
event on "The turning point" (Apr 2015)
This short openning note for TEDxKish event explains three laws for professional success.
Talk at
event on "Future of Imaging" (Nov 2014)
This talk explores novel imaging systems and is excited possibilities that these imaging systems can provide for the future of health, industry and social culture. The talk introduces five major and unusual paradigm shifts that are fundamentally changing the concept of cameras and imaging.
Future Avenues: Videos from the future and exotic underworld of engineering concepts
I was always fascinated about the future. I had many concepts about emerging technologies that I simply kept to myself and didn't know what to do with; not everything is patentable after all, each idea can take 2-3 years to be a worthwhile patent and another 2-3 years to be perfected in practice. But thanks to YouTube I can now bring these ideas to life on the concept level and discuss them with the public so that it may inspire or be reviewed by curious and brilliant minds around the world. Therefore, it is a pleasure for me to announce my channel called "Future Avenues" where I will be exploring many exotic futuristic technologies and possibilities with you. Each episode will be focused on possibilities for a specific type of technology.
Selected speaker for
event (March 2012)
Themed 'Curious Business' TEDxUvic want students to think differently about the relationship of business and technology and realize it only takes exposing oneself to new ideas to recognize opportunity. Terahertz technology is enhancing rapidly and this is going to affect our health awareness and medical industry drastically. Because of this technology many diseases, including lung cancer, may be detectable by single push of a button on your cell phone. The talk was given to unravel a bit of this technology, its capabilities and its business opportunities for public audience. See a short preview of the talk here. See the original version at (.com.) by clicking here.
Invited short interview about TEDx experience by CSSI (Fall 2012).