Cheops System Diagnostics

The following diagnostic utilities (located in ${CHEOPS_BASE}/local/src/diag/) are of general use in determining why a Cheops isn't running. By category :

Basic P2 Tests:
memtest, glbtest
Advanced P2 Tests:
floodtest, cshow
Stream Processor Tests:
cspace, tengtest, dct, remap, mojotest, motest, filttest
Misc. Low Level Tests:
floodinttest, dmatest, tdb, fdb, scope, busconfig, scsi tests
Other Listings
Alphabetical Index of all Cheops apps


This program tests the Cheops P2 module memory. It will test the region described by the command line arguments, reporting to the user any errors found. This program can be run for one to four billion passes, with infinite loop selected by specifying zero passes. It sequentially tests all of the memory regions specified on the command line on every pass.


       memtest [ -specific < quad_num>    < size_bytes>    ] # test region of mem.
               [ -bank < bank_num>    [< bank_num>   ]]      # test P2 bank
               [ -type (byte|short|long|quad) ]      # word size to use
               [ -passes < number_of_tests>    ]
               [ -errors < maximum_number_before_exiting>    ]
               [ -debug ]              # turn on debugging messages

The < size> of a region is specified in bytes, using hexadecimal notation.

A local P2 memory bank may be specified using the -b option, in which case memtest will malloc as much memory in that bank as it can, and test it. Allowable P2 banks are eight banks of VRAM numbered 0 through 7 and one bank of SRAM numbered 8.


This program tests the Cheops P2 memory global bus port. It does this by performing bit pattern and address test in one of two ways:

  1. Writing the memory through the local bus, and reading it through the global bus port (read tests).
  2. Writing to the memory using the global bus port, then verifying write using the local bus port (write tests).

This program assumes that the local bus port of the memory has been tested and works perfectly (see memtest).


       glbtest [< card_number>    [< bank_number>    [< size_in_kilolongs>   ]]]
< card_number>
The module id of the P2 this test is being run on. ( Default: 0 )
< bank_number>
The memory bank to use in the test. ( Default: 2 )
< size>
The size of the test, in kilobytes divided by four. (Default: 2000, or 8 Megabytes )


This is THE definitive Cheops Flood Controller test program. Unlike fdb, FloodTest is intended to exhaustively test the functionality of the P2 flood controllers. If a problem is detected, fdb may then be used to actually probe around in the circuit.


       floodtest [ -quals (real|zoom|mult|color) | -random ]
                 [ -flood < channel>   [   < channel>   ]   ...   ]
                 [ -errors < maximum_number_before_exiting>   ]
                 [ -ok (0|1|2) ]  # preferred ok channel
                 [ -addr ]        # print address of error
                 [ -verbose ]     # indicate successful transfers
                 [ -debug ]       # turn on flood lib debugging
             (All options names may be shortened to one letter.)

FloodTest operates in two different modes, selected either by the -quals or the -random argument. If in random mode, the parameters of the transfer being tested are selected at random from the set of possible (not necessarily probable !) parameters.

If in quals mode (short for qualification), the tests done are defined in suites (where a typical suite consists of a set of 4 to 10 different parameters.) The pre-defined suites (see the source code for easy directions on how to add more) are :

full functionality test suite
test large transfers
test small transfers
test transfers with multiple sources and dests.
test 3 src to 3 dst transfer
test zoom (replicate and interpolate) functionality
for oscilloscope debugging

The defaults are optimal, in that they test all the flood channels available of a processor module, using the "real" qualification suite.


cshow is invaluable in determining the health of both the P2 Nile Bus interface, the backplane Nile Bus, and the O1 Nile Bus interface.

This program takes a file, loads it into the local memory, then transfers it over the nile bus. The image must currently have a size of 1024 (hor) x 512 (ver). Alternatively, the image to be transferred can be a synthesized test pattern (selected either with the -p argument or by default.)


     cshow [< filename> ]
           [-p < pattern number> ]   # generate pattern (see below)
	   [-b < nile_bank> ]        # Nile bank of P2 to use
	   [-c < output_module> ]    # output module to use
           [-d < x_size>  < y_size> ]  # size of transfer

The -pattern option determines the data pattern used for the transfer, and can greatly influence which errors are detected. Here are the pattern numbers :


This program tests the Color Space Converters on a Cheops P2 processor module using JUST the resources available on a P2. The memory and flood controllers MUST be working for this program to stand a chance of succeeding.


       cspace [ -chan < channel>  [ < channel>  ] ]     # 0, 1 or 2
              [ -errors < maximum_number_before_exiting>  ]
              [ -passes < number_of_test_passes>  ]
              [ -oscope ]      # loop infinitely, don't error check
              [ -bypass ]      # bypass the cspace conv.
              [ -debug ]       # turn on library debugging


This is THE definitive Cheops P2 T-Engine test program. Unlike tdb, TengTest intended to exhaustively test the functionality of the P2 Transpose Engines. If a problem is detected, tdb may then be used to actually probe around in the circuit.


       tengtest  [ -quals < quals_name>    ]  # see below
                 [ -teng < unit_no>    [ < unit_no>   ]]     # [0,2]
                 [ -src < source_bank_number>    ]       # [2,7]
                 [ -dst < destination_bank_number>    ]  # [2,7]
                 [ -verbose ]     # indicate successful transfers
                 [ -passes < number_of_passes>    ]
                 [ -errors < maximum_number_before_exiting>   ]
                 [ -debug ]       # print intimate details of transfer
                 [ -addr ]        # print memory address of error
                 [ -ok (0|1|2) ]  # preferred ok channel

In a similar manner to floodtest, the tests are done in suites (where a typical suite consists of several passes with different parameters.) The pre-defined suites (see the source code for easy directions on how to add more) are :

full functionality test suite
transpose test suite
dct (8 and 16) block tests
dct 8x8 block tests
dct 16x16 block tests


This fundamentally unsupported program tests the DCT stream processor.


       dct < dev_num>

Where < dev_num> should be 0, 2, or 4, depending on the daughter card slot containing the stream processor being tested.


There are several remap utilities in ${CHEOPS_BASE}/local/src/diag/remap/ which need to have their usage described here.


There are several programs that comprise the mojo tests located in ${CHEOPS_BASE}/local/src/diag/mojotest/ - one for each configuration mode currently supported. Unfortunately, they all use Norman, precluding their use in REAL low level debugging.

There is also a top level script that runs all of the tests to determine if a Mojo stream processor is healthy. The stream_proc_slot argument refers to which P2 stream processor daughtercard slot ([0,2]) the Mojo being tested is located in.


      mojotest < stream_proc_slot>


This motion estimator test program writes one frame of data in memory, copy it into another frame memory which is shifted from (-8, -8) to (7, 7).


    motest [ -x < xdim>    ]
           [ -y < ydim>    ]
           [ -mx < xvec>    ]
           [ -my < yvec>    ]
           [ -mode ]
           [ -V ]


Program to test the filter card stream processors, looking for blatant errors. It should be able to detect register R/W errors and localize errors to within a chip on the card. The stream_proc_slot argument refers to which P2 stream processor daughtercard slot ([0,2]) the filter card being tested is located in.


        filttest < stream_proc_slot>   
 	[-data < data>    ]
	[-coeff < coeff>    ]
	[-loop ][ -v ]


This is a quick hack that tests the flood controller interrupts. There are no command line arguments.


This programs tests the dma library calls and the P2 local processor's (80960CA) DMA controller. There are no command line arguments.


This program tests the operation of a Cheops P2 Module Flood Controller. But's that not all. It slices, dices, and fills memory with any number of useful data patterns for your probing pleasure. It checks to see if a transfer started, or ended. It walks the dog and signs UROP timecards. And all for free !

The main use of this diagnostic is for debugging with a Logic Analyzer or an oscilloscope. Actually testing overall health of the flood controllers is best done with floodtest.


         fdb [ -test (ones|zeroes|toggle|datapath|align|random|ok) ]
           [ -ok < ok_channel>    ]
           [ -src < channel>    ] ]
           [ -dst < channel>    [ < channel>    ] ]
           [ -src_offset < byte_offset>    ]
           [ -src_size < x_num_samples>    < y_num_lines>    ]
           [ -src_stride < stride_in_samples>    ]
           [ -src_zoom < x_zoom>    < y_zoom>    ]
           [ -dst_offset < byte_offset>    ]
           [ -dst_size < x_num_samples>    < y_num_lines>    ]
           [ -dst_stride < stride_in_samples>    ]
           [ -dst_zoom < x_zoom>    < y_zoom>    ]
           [ -repeat < repeat_times>    ]
           [ -debug < debug_level>    ]
           [ -errors < max_errors>    ]


This program tests the operation of a Cheops P2 module Transpose Engine. See tengtest a better tester. At this time, the management is dismayed to announce that the many arguments to tdb must be fixed at compile time.


This is a very low level program used for oscilloscope debugging of P2 (and global bus) timing intricacies.


This very useful tiny program is used to reconfigure the bus controller on a P2 local processor (80960CA). It is useful for debugging things that don't warrant adding them to the boot config of Magic7 yet. Unfortunately, you have to recompile it for your specific task (too many options for a reasonable command line interface !)


Diagnostics for debugging SCSI do exist (in ${CHEOPS_BASE}/local/src/diag/scsi/), but they aren't that great.

To quickly determine if you have a SCSI problem, try the scsi_diag command (no command line arguments.) It is a shell script that uses chload, chread, and diff to test for data and handshaking problems. Make sure that the memory that it uses for the test (usually bank 4-7) is installed and working.

The built-in debugging in the Magic7 kernel SCSI driver is generally more than verbose enough for most problems. Start up a ramlog using the Magic7 debug console, and then run scsi_diag, for starters.

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