Alphabetical Index

basic - obsolete example
busconfig - P2 local processor bus config patch
businfo - P2 local processor bus config display
cache - P2 local processor cache config utility
cshow - useful nile bus diagnostic
cspace - P2 color space converter diagnostic
dactest - O1 module DAC test
dmatest - P2 DMA controller diagnostic
dct - DCT stream processor diagnostic
fdb - P2 Flood Controller debug tool
filttest - Filter stream processor diagnostic
floodtest - P2 Flood Controller diagnostic
floodinttest - P2 Flood Interrupt diagnostic
fntcmd - anti-aliased text generator
glbtest - P2 Memory Global bus interface debug tool
hostPlayer - example preloaded movie player
memshow - P2 local memory visualization tool
memtest - P2 Memory Diagnostic
modat - Motion estimator
mojotest - Mojo stream processor diagnostics
motest - Motion Estimator stream proc diagnostics
mpegmo - MPEG motion estimator
m1format - format an M1
m1init - obsolete M1 manual init
m1load - load a datfile into an M1 data object
m1ls - list the contents of an M1
m1nile - M1 nile interface test
m1pagetest - obscure M1 page table test
m1peek - utility for examining M1 memory locations
M1Play - example Rman based M1 movie player
m1probe - M1 hardware debugging tool
m1rm - delete a data object stored on M1
m1scan - M1 SIMM bank tester (see m1test)
m1setfps - change the playback rate of an M1 data object
m1show - display one or more M1 data objects simultaneously
m1test - M1 module memory tester
m1testpatt - generate an test M1 data object
null - a void application
omemtest - O1 module memory tester
probe - an output module probing tool
ramlog - basic real time debugging utility
remap - Remap stream processor diagnostics
sampleInterp - example interpolating movie player
samplePlay - example Rman based movie player
sampleRate - example variable frame rate movie player
sampleRep - example replicating movie player
scope - Low level debugging utility
scsi tests - Low level SCSI debug tools
simpleMono - obsolete example
simpleRGB - obsolete example
simple3to3 - obsolete example
statemac - example state machine code
superPlay2 - example (?) movie player
tdb - P2 Transpose stream proc debug tool
tengtest - P2 Transpose stream processor diagnostic
tramtest - O1 module timing RAM test
vbltest - O1 module interrupt test

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