Recapping last MAS890 meeting: The technology was in better (though not absolutely perfect) working order this week and we had quite an interesting discussion about people's experiences on Assignments 1 and 2. Many of you used the iCom which made for some interesting comparisons, and others invented some unusual methods that were inspirational to us all. I was personally very intrigued by the range of comments and experience. To those who have not submitted your written report yet, please do so as soon as possible. I will post these submissions on our web site by next meeting. Our goal is to be able to share and deepen our experiences on this site, especially for the sake of those who could not be present at the discussion, and for those who would like to contribute more. However, if there is any reason you would not like your contribution posted, just let us know. * * * Assignment 3 will be quite fun. I have refined the wording on the web site and here it is: Pick a collaborative activity that common wisdom dictates is necessary to perform face to face or in close proximity to the other persons involved. This activity may be as odd or unusual as you wish, and you may wish to make it relevant in some way to your research or interests outside of the course, though this is not a necessity. Arrange and engage in this activity with the counterparts of your choice, or observe others engaging in this activity (be sure not to invade privacy). Create a photo essay, a short video, or another type of media to describe the activity. What kinds of interactions happen between the humans? Work to discover and capture the subtle things that aren't perhaps immediately noticable. What kinds of things enhance or detract from the experience? Then, envision how the activity might be accomplished "at a distance" -- make drawings or use other media to illustrate your ideas, and complement these with some written remarks. Prepare a 3-5 minute class presentation as well as an electronic version that can be posted on the course web site. We will send information about video/audio/image formats that will work for presenting over the iCom in class. These presentations will happen in 2 weeks time -- at meeting #5. s t e f a n