Debugging utilities
Isis software documentation
Debugging utilities
This document explains the debugging utilities available in Isis.
Exiting Isis
(exit) # Exit with code 0
(exit code) # Exit with given code
These functions terminate the interpreter immediately, with the
specified exit code. Often, an exit code of zero indicates success
and non-zero indicates failure.
-> (exit)
Debug mode
(debug True) # turn on debug mode
(debug False) # turn off debug mode
(debug) # toggle debug mode on and off
This function turns debug mode on and off. When debug mode is turned
on, whenever an interpretation error occurs, a message is printed
indicating where the offending expression originated, including a file
name and line and column numbers. Only core syntax interpretation
errors will generate this message, not errors in primitives and C
functions. If debug mode is turned off, only a brief error message is
printed, with no location information.
-> ('x' 1 2)
* Improper application.
-> (debug)
-> ('x' 1 2)
* Improper application.
* Expression located in Console, line 3, col 0.
Displaying values
(display val val ...) # print the given values, return first value passed
display is most useful for monitoring the value of an
expression without disturbing the result of a program. The first
value you pass to display is printed, and the same value is
returned. In this way you can surround any expression with a call to
display and the value of that expression will be printed
while not disturbing the final result of the program. If you pass
more than one argument, they will all be printed, but only the first
argument is returned.
-> (set factorial
(proc (x)
(if (= (display x) 0)
(* x (factorial (- x 1))))))
-> (factorial 6)
Tracing procedure calls
(trace proc proc ...) # turn on tracing, using default names (usually unknown)
(trace [proc name] [proc name] ...) # turn on tracing, using given names
(untrace proc proc ...) # turn off tracing
(tracename [proc name] [proc name] ...) # set the tracing name, without changing trace status
Calling trace on one or more procedures turns on tracing for
those procedures, and calling untrace turns it off.
Tracing is the most powerful debugging tool in Isis. By tracing a
certain procedure, a message is printed whenever that procedure is
called that includes a procedure name and the arguments that were
passed to it. Recursive calls to traced procedures are displayed
graphically using different levels of indentation.
Because procedures in Isis are inherently unnamed objects, you should
supply a string name for that procedure to be used in the tracing
messages. If you do not provide a tracing name, a default name will
be used, which for C functions is usually adequate, but for procedures
written directly in Isis, the default name will usually be
[unknown]. You can change the tracing name of one or more
procedures without changing their tracing status by using the
tracename routine. Setting the tracing name to Null
restores the default tracing name.
-> (set factorial
(proc (x)
(if (= x 0) 1 (* x (factorial (- x 1))))))
-> (trace [factorial "fact"])
-> (factorial 12)
( fact 12 )
| ( fact 11 )
| | ( fact 10 )
| | | ( fact 9 )
| | | | ( fact 8 )
| | | | | ( fact 7 )
| | | | | | ( fact 6 )
| | | | | | | ( fact 5 )
| | | | | | | | ( fact 4 )
| | | | | | | | | ( fact 3 )
| | | | | | | | | | ( fact 2 )
| | | | | | | | | | | ( fact 1 )
| | | | | | | | | | | | ( fact 0 )
| | | | | | | | | | | | 1
| | | | | | | | | | | 1
| | | | | | | | | | 2
| | | | | | | | | 6
| | | | | | | | 24
| | | | | | | 120
| | | | | | 720
| | | | | 5040
| | | | 40320
| | | 362880
| | 3628800
| 39916800
-> (untrace factorial)
-> (factorial 12)
Tracking memory usage
(memory) # display the status of the memory manager
This routine displays memory manager statistics. It is meant to be
used only by serious Isis hackers who need to know the memory usage
patterns of the core interpreter.