Dr. Rob Reilly ✉ reilly@media.mit.edu
☎ 1.413.329.1878 (USA)
I hope I have not made it yet... but here is what I have accomplished thus far!
- Preparing a manifesto entitled: Cognition, Affect, and Learning: The Role of Emotions in Learning.
- Engineering for the Americas initiative sponsored by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.)
- Enjoying retirement!
- Doctor of Education, College of Education, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA) 1992-1997
- focus areas: educational pedagogy & technology
- dissertation title: Transforming the Paradigm for Crafting Acceptable Use Policy: Managing the Electronic Commons
- More Graduate Study, School of Physical Education, The Ohio State University at Columbus (USA) 1978-1980
- Focus: international sports, teaching-learning pedagogy
- Master of Education, School of Education, Springfield College, Springfield, Mass (USA) 1974-1976
- focus areas: educational pedagogy, teacher education
- Bachelor of Science, School of Health, Physical Education & Recreation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA) 1970-74
- major: health, physical education and recreation
Transcripts of college courses
Transcript of special education courses
- US Olympic Committee's governing body of Judo is USA Judo. Designated as USA Judo 2020 #1 Ranked National Veteran Athlete ("Veteran" refers to atheltes over 30-years old, not to military status).
- US Olympic Committee's governing body of Judo is USA Judo. Designated as USA Judo 2019 #1 Ranked National Veteran Athlete ("Veteran" refers to atheltes over 30-years old, not to military status).
- 2019 Emerging Technology Award given by Standards Association of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) to the Working Group, which I am a member of, "For the development of IEEE Standard #1876 - networked smart learning objects for online laboratories, the first IEEE standard of its kind to recommend and guide its stakeholders for widespread development and use of online laboratories in support of science technology and engineering education".
- Distinguished Member Award in 2017 by the Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) "for outstanding long-term service to the IEEE Education Society and significant contributions in an IEEE Field of Interest."
- President Emeritus invested 2017 by the Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) "for exceptional service and outstanding leadership as President"
- Golden Core Award in 2014 by the Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) to recognize individuals who compose a "distinguished core of dedicated leaders..."
- IEEE EDUCON Meritorious Service Award in 2014 by the IEEE EDUCON Steering Committee "for visionary leadership during the creation of the EDUCON conference series"
- Nikola Tesla Chain in 2012 by the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) "for outstanding achievements in the field of Engineering Pedagogy"
- IEEE William E. Sayle II Award for Achievement in Education in 2010 by the Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) "for pioneering development in the theory and practice of educational pedagogy."
- Leadership Award in 2009 by the Member and Geographic Activity Board (MGA) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) "for developing and implementing an innovative process that encourages the expansion of IEEE activities throughout the world."
- Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award in 2006 by the Member and Geographic Activity Board (MGA) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) for "distinguished contributions to globalization and international cooperation through the establishment and development of IEEE chapters."
- IEEE Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award in 2006 by the Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) "to recognize pioneering contributions to the administrative efforts of the Society over a period of years, as evidenced by dedication, effort, and contributions."
- IEEE Distinguished Contributions in a Pre-College Environment Award in 2003 by the Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) for "vision and leadership in developing international virtual learning communities to evolve K-12 educational theory, curriculum and pedagogy through the active exchange of information, ideas, and technological innovation."
- Best Paper Award (co-author with Barry Kort and Rosalind Picard) at 2001 International Conference of Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Madison, Wisconsin. Co-author of paper entitled: An Affective Model of the Interplay Between Emotions and Learning.
- Pathfinder Award in 1992 by the Massachusetts Department of Education's Educational Technology Advisory Committee for developing, building, and deploying innovative on-line educational technology for K-12 teachers and students. Note: award now given by the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE).
- Honorary Member (recognition for retired on-ice officials), National Ice Hockey Officials Association (NIHOA), high school-college ice hockey referee 1982-1990.
Swan Song: In 2012, I accumulated a sufficient number of years of service as an educator in Massachusetts USA (K-6 and higher education) to retire from my first career. I have a full pension through the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System. I'm now ready for my second career! MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Cambridge, Massachusetts USAHigher Education...
MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (formerly North Adams State College), North Adams, Massachusetts USA
- Visiting Scientist, The Media Lab (2000-2006) — create, research and evolve innovative affective/cognitive learning theories.
- Visiting Scientist, Center for Educational Computing Initiatives (2011-2012; 1999-2000) — research and evolve innovative computer-based applications.
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Education Department (2001-2007) — teach various graduate course dealing with education and technology.
- P.E. Teacher, K-6 Laboratory School, Education Department (1978-1981) — Physical Education Teacher at MCLA's teacher training school.
- Adjunct Post Doctoral Research Associate, Office of Information Technologies (1997-1999) — develop policy recommendations for the IT infrastructure.
- Teaching Associate, College of Education (1995-1996) — facilitate professional development via EdNet@UMass—the School of Education's electronic distance learning Mailing List for in-service educators—2,000+ subscribers.
- Teaching Associate, School of Health, Physical Education & Recreation (1977-1979) — taught judo, track & field, Movement Development, pre school physical activities, boating & canoeing.
K-12 (Pre-college)...
UNION #69 PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM, Lanesborough, Massachusetts USAMASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (then North Adams State College), North Adams, Massachusetts USA
- Computer Education Teacher, Lanesborough Elementary School (grades K-6) (1985-1996, 1997-2012 retired) — develop computer education curriculum, teach computer education.
- 6th Grade Classroom Teacher, Lanesborough Elementary School (1996-97) — taught science and mathematics.
- Physical Education Teacher, Hancock Central School, Hancock, MA (1985-1996, 1997-2008) one day per week assignment.
- K-6 Laboratory School Teacher, Education Department (1979-1982) — Physical Education teacher at MCLA's teacher training school.
- 5th Grade Classroom Teacher, Sacred Heart School (1974-1977) — Math, Science, Social Studies Teacher.
- Physical Education Teacher, St. Matthew’s School, Indian Orchard, MA (1972-1974).
✓ Principal Investigator, IEEE Engineering for the Americas (EftA)
(was Engineering for the Americas (EftA)). USD$14K in seed funding to develop a proof-of-concept
model for further funding. Funded by the IEEE
Education Society (2016). A copy of the current IEEE EftAA project document is located
✓ Co-Principal Investigator of a project entitled: IndustryContinuing Education Development (ICED). An 18-month USD$25,000 grant from the IEEE New Initiatives Program (2009-SG06— August 2009 through February 2011).
✓ Principal Investigator of a project entitled: Mainstreaming Engineers in Africa
and the Middle East. An 18-month USD$28,000 grant from the
IEEE Foundation, Inc (#2006-017 — August 2006 through February 2008).
✓ Co-Principal Investigator of an MIT Media Lab/University
of Memphis research project entitled: Monitoring Emotions While
Students Learn with AutoTutor. A 5-year USD$1.3M grant from the
National Science Foundation (REC #0325428 -- September 2003 through
August 2008).
✓ Co-Principal Investigator of an MIT Media Lab research
project entitled: The Role of
Emotion in Propelling the Learning Process. A 3-year USD$918,888
grant from the National Science Foundation (REC #0087768 -- November 2000
through October 2003).
✓ An Affective Model of the Interplay Between Emotions and Learning
(co-author), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference of Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 43-46, Madison, Wisconsin USA, August 2001.
✓ Conceptual Foundations of Privacy: Looking Backward Before Stepping Forward,
Richmond Journal of Law and Technology, 6 RICH. J.L. & TECH. 6 (Fall 1999), published by the University of Richmond School of Law.
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2004). Multimedia Didactics: eLearning and Emotions.
Forthcoming in Proceedings of LearnTec 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany, February
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2004). Emotions, Learning and a Drama Model.
Forthcoming in Proceedings of LearnTec 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany, February
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2003). Analytical Models of Emotions, Learning and
Their Relationships. Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual
Worlds and Simulations (VWSIM 2003), Orlando, Florida, January 2003.
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2003). Cognition, Affective State and Teaching Deep
Reasoning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognition and
Neural Systems, Boston, May 2003.
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2003). Dialectical, Exogenous and Endogenous
Constructivism as Pedagogical Foundations of Learning. Forthcoming in
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference 2003, Denver, November
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2002). Analytical Models of Emotions, Learning and
Relationships: Towards an Affect-sensitive Cognitive Machine. Virtual
Worlds Simulation Conference (VWSIM 2002), San Antonio, Texas USA January
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2002). Restructuring Educational Pedagogy: A Model
For Deep Change. Proceedings of Pathways to Change Conference, Alexandria,
Virginia, April 2002.
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2002). Analytical Models of Emotions, Learning, and
Relationships: Towards an Affective-Sensitive Cognitive Machine.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS2002),
pp.955-962, Biarritz, France, June 2002.
Aist, G., Kort, B., Reilly, R., Mostow, J., Picard, R (2002). Analytical
Models of Emotions, Learning, and Relationships: Towards an
Affective-Sensitive Cognitive Machine. Proceedings of the Intelligent
Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS2002), pp.955-962, Biarritz, France, June
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2002). A Pedagogical Model for Teaching Scientific
Domain Knowledge. Proceedings of the Conference on Frontiers in Education
(FIE 2002), Boston, November 2002.
Aist, G., Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2002). Emotional Scaffolding in an
Intelligent Tutoring System. International Conference on Multimodal
Interfaces (ICMI'02), Pittsburgh, October, 2002.
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2002). Theories for Deep Change in Affect-Sensitive
Cognitive Machines: A Constructivist Model. in IEEE Journal of
International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS) and IEEE
Learning Technology Task Force, Vol. 5 No. 4 October 2002, ISSN
Kort, B., Reilly, R., Williams, N. (2002). Experiences with Civility and the
Role of a Social Contract in Virtual Communities: A Communitas Model. AAAI
Fall Symposium on Etiquette for Human-Computer Work 2002, North Falmouth MA,
November 2002.
Kort, B., Reilly, R., Picard, R.W. (2001). An Affective Model of Interplay
Between Emotions and Learning: Reengineering Educational Pedagogy-Building a
Learning Companion. in Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced
Learning Technologies (ICALT 2001), Madison Wisconsin, August 2001.
Kort, B., Reilly, R., Picard, R.W. (2001). External Representation of
Learning Process and Domain Knowledge: Affective State as a Determinate of
its Structure and Function. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Education (AI-ED 2001), San Antonio, May 2001.
Kort, B., Reilly, R. (2001). Evolving Educational Pedagogy in Developing
Nations. Digital Nations Symposium at the MIT Media Lab, July 2001.
Recognizing the BIG Barriers: Integrating Technology into Your School!, Teachers.Net Gazette, May 2015.
The Two Faces of Pre-University/K-12 Education Efforts, The Interface, August 2010.
Why Should We Care About the Pedagogy We Use?, The Interface, August 2010.
Restructuring Educational Pedagogy: Making Deep Changes in Traditional Delivery Methods, The Interface, April 2010.
The Interface's Changing Face, The Interface, April 2010.
Tornar-se um lider mundial? Uma oportunidade ao seu alcance, IEEE-RITA, Vol. 4, No. 4, November 2009.
Podcasting 101,Teachers.Net Gazette, April 2008.
Privacy and Technology, Teachers.Net Gazette, March 2008.
Virtual Laboratories: Enhancing Deep Learning in Model-based Knowledge Domains, IEEE Transactions on Education, February 2008.
Filtering the Web: Is It a Mission Impossible or Just Misdirected Policy?, Teachers.Net Gazette, February 2008.
Becoming the Technology Leader and the Electronic Janitor?, Teachers.Net Gazette, January 2008.
Web-based Instruction: Doing Things Better and Doing Better Things, IEEE Transactions on Education, November 2005.
Mathematics: Teaching, Assessment, and Accountability Using Technology, MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools, September-October 2004.
Wearable Computers, MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools, July-August 2004.
Acquiring Weapons of Mass Instruction, OnCue, Massachusetts Computer
Using Educators, Inc., Spring 2004.
Here's to Your Student's Health,
MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools, May-June 2004.
Weapons of Math Instruction,
MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools, March-April 2004.
Educational Pedagogy, Affective State, and Learning
(co-author), Proceedings of SITE 2004 (Society for Information Technology
and Teacher Education), Atlanta, Georgia USA, March 2004.
Emotions, Learning and a Drama Model (co-author), Proceedings
of LearnTec 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 2004
Multimedia Didactics: eLearning and Emotions (co-author),
Proceedings of LearnTec 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany, February
LCD Projector Can Light-up Your Teaching Life: Get One,
MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools, January-February 2004.
with Colleagues, Students, Parents: Setup Your Own Mailing List,
MultiMedia Schools, November-December 2003.
Junk Dealer or Technology Wizard?, MultiMedia Schools, October
Practices: Online Reader's Advisory, MultiMedia Schools,
September 2003.
Why Do
Children Naturally Like Computer Class?, Teachers.Net
Gazette, August 2003.
for an Electronic Gradebook: Try This, Teachers.Net Gazette, July
Donations to School: How to Make a Sound Choice,
Teachers.Net Gazette, June 2003.
'Librarian' by Any Other Name...(probably means more work)!,
MultiMedia Schools, May-June 2003.
Cognition, Affective State and Teaching Deep Reasoning
(co-author), Proceedings of the International Conference on
Cognition and Neural Systems, Boston, May 2003.
Retired From Teaching Back in 2009 and Now I'm Back!—A Report from
the Future (Part 2),
Teachers.Net Gazette, May 2003.
Retired From Teaching Back in 2009 and Now I'm Back!—A
Report from the Future, Teachers.Net Gazette, April 2003.
School Wants a Web Page—Plan Carefully!, MultiMedia
Schools, March-April 2003.
Drowning Babies is Not Always the Best Policy,
Teachers.Net Gazette, March 2003
the World of the Palm Pilot Users, Teachers.Net Gazette, February
Analytical Models of Emotions, Learning and Their
Relationships (co-author), Proceedings of the International
Conference on Virtual Worlds and Simulations (VWSIM'03), International
Society for Modeling and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 2003.
New Versions of Software Can
Be Overkill! , Teachers.Net Gazette, January 2003.
Don't Build Keyboards Like They Used To!, MultiMedia Schools,
January-February 2003.
Weaver: Terrific Software for Lower Grade Writing/Story-making,
Teachers.Net Gazette, December 2002.
to Reengineering the Learning Environment,
MultiMedia Schools, November-December 2002.
Some Assembly Required, Teachers.Net Gazette, November 2002.
with Civility and the Role of a Social Contract in Virtual
Communities (co-author), Proceedings of the American Association
of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Fall Workshops, North Falmouth, Mass.
USA, November 2002.
Pedagogical Model for Teaching Scientific
Domain Knowledge (co-author), Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in
Education Conference, Boston, Mass. USA November 2002.
Emotional Scaffolding in an Intelligent Tutoring System
(co-author), International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI'02),
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA, October, 2002.
for Deep Change in Affect-sensitive Cognitive Machines: A Constructivist
Model, Educational Technology and Society, October 2002.
Internet Crime—What's Hot, Statistics, Reporting
Incidents, MultiMedia Schools, October 2002.
There IS
a Printer and a Xerox Machine in Your Classroom
That You Can't See! Teachers.Net Gazette, October 2002.
Keyboarding—It's Not Glitzy—But
It's Sure Important, MultiMedia Schools, October 2002.
in a Technological Age, Teachers.Net Gazette, September 2002.
I Just
Got Comfortable with a Wired Network...And Now We're Thinking About
Going Wireless, MultiMedia Schools, September 2002.
Summer Reading List: The Process of Change in a School
System, Teachers.Net Gazette, August 2002.
in Congress: Yet Another Child On-line Protection Law that Can't Possibly
Work, Teachers.Net Gazette, July 2002.
A Fool's Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in Childhood,
Teachers.Net Gazette, June 2002.
Use Policy: Informing the User's Consent,
Teachers.Net Gazette, May 2002.
Works: Speech Recognition—Surveying the Lay
of the Land in Word Processing, MultiMedia Schools, May-June 2002.
Models of Emotions, Learning, and Relationships:
Towards an Affective-sensitive Cognitive Machine (co-author),
Proceedings of the Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS2002),
pp.955-962, Biarritz, France, June 2002.
Augmenting an Intelligent Tutoring System with Human-Supplied
Capabilities: Adding Human-Provided Emotional Scaffolding
to an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens (co-author),
Proceedings of the Intelligent Tutoring Systems conference (ITS2002), p.
992, Biarritz, France, June 2002.
Cognition and Affective State, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Cognition and Neural Systems (ICCNS) , Boston,
May 2002.
Educational Pedagogy: A Model For Deep Change (co-author),
Proceedings of Pathways to Change Conference, Alexandria, Virginia USA,
April 2002.
Memo to
Staff: Our System Has Crashed, We Have No Back-up, You Won't Be Getting
Paid for a Month , Teachers.Net Gazette, April 2002.
How to Create a Bad
Acceptable Use Policy (And Have It Survive), Teachers.Net Gazette,
March 2002.
Technology Committee: Building a Foundation
for Assessment, MultiMedia Schools, March-April 2002
Integration Has No Hope of Succeeding,
Teachers.Net Gazette, February 2002
for Decision-Making in a Digital Age, MultiMedia
Schools, January-February 2002
What Are
We Aiming At—What Do We Really Want To Aim At?, Teachers.Net
Gazette, January 2002.
Ideas and Inklings in K-12 Technology Integration, Learning
Technology, January-February 2002.
Models of
Emotions and Learning (co-author), Proceedings of
the International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Simulations (VWSIM'02),
San Antonio, Texas USA January 2002.
A pedagogical model for teaching scientific domain knowledge (with Barry Kort), Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, Boston, Mass. 2002.
An Affective Module for an Intelligent Tutoring System (with Barry Kort), Intelligent Tutoring Systems 6th International Conference, ITS 2002, Biarritz, France and San Sebastian, Spain, June 2-7, 2002.
Adding Human-Provided Emotional Scaffolding to an Automated Reading Tutor That Listens Increases Student Persistence (with Gregory Aist, Barry Kort, Rosalind Picard), Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 6th International Conference, ITS 2002, Biarritz, France and San Sebastian, Spain, June 2-7, 2002.
Experimentally Augmenting an Intelligent Tutoring System with Human-Supplied Capabilities: Adding Human-Provided Emotional Scaffolding to an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens (with Gregory Aist, Barry Kort, Rosalind Picard, Jack Mostow), 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2002), 14-16 October 2002, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Theories for Deep Change in Affect-sensitive Cognitive Machines: A Constructivist Model. (with Barry Kort), Education Technology and Society, January 2002.
Establishing rules and conventions for the infrastructure: the'Tragedy of the unmanaged commons' as a determinate factor (with Barry Kort), Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, February 2001.
Some Background, Some Technology Tools,
MultiMedia Schools, November-December 2001
Integration: What Propels It?,
MultiMedia Schools, October 2001
Protecting Children and Shark Repellant,
MultiMedia Schools, September 2001
Affective Model of the Interplay Between Emotions and Learning
(co-author), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference of Advanced
Learning Technologies, pp. 43-46, Madison, Wisconsin USA, August 2001.
Rules and Conventions for the Infrastructure: The
'Tragedy of the Unmanaged Commons' as a Determinate Factor,
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure
for Collaborative Enterprises, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, June 2001.
Representation of Learning Process and Domain Knowledge:
Affective State as a Determinate of its Structure and
Function (co-author), IEEE Artificial Intelligence in Education
pre-conference workshops, San Antonio, Texas USA, May 2001.
Your Way in the Dark, MultiMedia Schools, May-June 2001
Integration's Motto: Ready, Fire, Aim,
Teachers.Net Gazette, April 2001
Integration: Dealing with Educational Innovations, Fads and
Goblins, Teachers.Net Gazette, March 2001
the Big Red Dog , MultiMedia Schools, March-April 2001
Conquering Technology, MultiMedia Schools, January-February 2001
Remember George Jetson?, MultiMedia Schools, November-December
Down the Law: Crafting an Acceptable Use Policy, MultiMedia
Schools, October 2000
Your Web Site ADA Compliant?, MultiMedia Schools, September 2000.
Utilizing Students as Technology Support
Staff?, MultiMedia Schools, May-June 2000.
as Technology Support Staff, Proceedings of the 2001 Computers in
Libraries Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, March 2000.
Schmolicy: It's the Architecture, MultiMedia Schools,
November-December 1999.
Technology Coordinator: Curriculum Leader or Electronic Janitor,
MultiMedia Schools, May-June 1999.
EdNet@UMass: A Ferry Service Connecting Educational Islands of
Excellence, T.H.E. Journal (Technological Horizons in Education),
March 1999.
Revising Acceptable Use Policy to Account for Cultural Development on
the Net, CAUSE/EFFECT, Winter, 1997.
Director, EdNet@UMass— leadership
and management of the University of Massachusetts School of Education's
Web based professional development mechanism serving approximately 2,000
subscribers—see www.umass.edu/ednet (1995-2001).
Member, Information Technology Council's Policy
Sub-Committee, University of Massachusetts—conceptualizing and crafting system-wide technology policy (1994-1998). A Founding Director of
K12Net — imagining what an on-line professional development
system would be like and then
creating it. K12Net is gone now—replaced by the Internet. But it
was the 43 "k12" UseNet newsgroups and the 'K12NET' echo areas on
FidoNet, which was a worldwide dial-up store-and-forward communication network. K12Net was dedicated to curricular conversations and the conduct
of on-line projects, teacher exchanges, and professional development
Important publications...
✓ Mapping Legal
Metaphors in Cyberspace: Evolving the Underlying Paradigm, The John Marshall Journal of Information Technology & Privacy Law, 16 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 579 (1998) published by the John Marshall School of Law.
My first professional publication...
Luther Gulick and the YMCA Training School Curriculum 1887-1903,
Proceedings of North American Society for Sport History, 1977.
Research-based publications...
The other 100 publications...