iLamps: Geometrically Aware and Self-Configuring ProjectorsAppeared in SIGGRAPH 2003Ramesh Raskar, Jeroen van Baar, Paul Beardsley, Thomas Willwacher, Srinivas Rao, Cliff Forlines Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs My thoughts : However, we believe that projectors are capable of much more. Our goal is to embed projectors as part of an infrastructure as they become mobile and networked. By exploiting elements (that will become) available in a self-contained projector such as the camera module, a tilt sensor and wireless connection, we demonstrate many other modes of operation, corresponding algorithms and potential applications. Technical contribution include a 'Shape-adaptive' projection paradigm, a new image transfer equation for quadric transfers (e.g. for image registration on spherical or cylindrical screens) and a robust global constistency method using local computation. Abstract
We introduce a new technique for adaptive projection on nonplanar surfaces using conformal texture mapping. We describe object augmentation with a hand-held projector, including interaction techniques. We describe the concept of a display created by an ad-hoc cluster of heterogeneous enhanced projectors, with a new global alignment scheme, and new parametric image transfer methods for quadric surfaces, to make a seamless projection. The work is illustrated by several prototypes and applications.
iLamp refers to intelligent Locale-Aware Mobile Projector PDF Copy (1MB) Related SIGGRAPH
2004 paper, RFIG Lamps, on using handheld projectors with wireless
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