C. Mobile Projectors and Optical Communication (Raskar, 45 minutes) Pocket projectors allow novel human-computer interaction opportunities. Spatio-temporal modulation of light creates high speed optical communication which can be used in many tracking applications. Portable projectors, technology and issues Current prototypes, Mitsubishi, 3M LED technology Laser: EPFL MEMS FID display report Pico-projectors Single-handed interaction, Image stabilization and resizing Clif forlines work Toronto work: http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/papers/xcao_UIST2006.pdf iLamps: Geometrically aware pocket projectors Optical and Radio Frequency Tags Inami/Hideaki work Johnny Lee RFID for Augmented Reality: Location sensing RFID and automatic authoring Optical communication for space labeling in robotics, games Paradiso Ma Inami Mark Bolas Imperceptible projection for high speed motion capture Prakash system = = = = C. Mobile Projectors and Optical Communication (Raskar, 45 minutes) Portable projectors, technology and issues Single-handed interaction, Image stabilization and resizing iLamps: Geometrically aware pocket projectors Optical and Radio Frequency Tags RFID for Augmented Reality: Location sensing RFID and automatic authoring Optical communication for space labeling in robotics, games Imperceptible projection for high speed motion capture Prakash system