Web Page for The First IJCAI Workshop on AI and The Environment.
This page contains Original Call for Papers and Cover Information.
For information about the 2020 textbook based on these materials see http://www.aiandenvironment.org

Dr. C. Mason can be reached at cmason@cmason.us
Follow us on Twitter:   @ai_environment

The First International Workshop on
Artificial Intelligence and the Environment, held in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Montreal, Canada 1995.

ijcai mason ai and
      environment workshop cover dolphins satellite

Cover for the first  IJCAI workshop on AI and the Environment.

About the image: Designed by Cindy Mason, created with Boris Rabin, Ken Lindsay and Cindy Mason with computing support
from Megan Eskey and Peter Friedland.

Original Call for Papers

Montreal, Canada
August, 1995

Sponsored by The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, NASA Ames Research Center, the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence and The American Meterological Society.

This workshop brings together two diverse groups of people with the aim of understanding the potential and problems of applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to environmental studies and engineering:

  • Researchers and scientists whose goal is to increase our understanding of physical, chemical and biological processes - particularly researchers studying atmospheric, climatic, ecological, oceanic, and solid-earth processes - as well as environmental engineers concerned with problems regarding pollution control, natural disaster planning, and hazardous materials management.
  • AI researchers and practitioners whose goal is to develop and engineer methods for automation and information processing required by environmental applications; for example, novel methods for acquiring sensed data (e.g., Antarctic robotic explorers), systems that assist in processing, archiving, and distribution of increasingly diverse and voluminous sensed data (e.g., as in Earth Observing Systems), modeling earth processes, and planning in data analysis or hazardous waste disposal.
  • The workshop provides an important and timely forum for participating researchers, scientists, and engineers to explore the novel problems environmental studies present, and to examine the fruits of traditional and non-traditional Artificial Intelligence technologies as applied to environmental studies and engineering. The objective of the workshop is to foster discussion, bringing together the experience base of environmental scientists and engineers with the information handling experience of AI theorists and practitioners.

    The workshop will focus on two topics:

  • AI in Environmental Sciences - including hydrological, oceanic and ecological systems studies, earth and climate process prediction, and atmosphere studies. 
  • AI in Environmental Engineering - pollution control, natural disaster planning, hazardous materials management
  • Submit papers to the Chair, Cindy Mason
    Contact:   mason@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov


    Palma Blonda, Instituto Elaborazione Segnali ed Immagini, Italy.    Co-chair

    Cindy Mason  NASA Ames Research Center, USA.   Chair

    Erik K. Jones, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

    Ken Lindsay, NASA Ames Research Center, USA.

    Henry Lieberman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.   Co-chair

    Brian Williams, NASA Ames Research Center, USA.  Co-chair

    Stan Matwin, University of Ottawa, Canada.     Co-chair

    Jim Peak, Computer Sciences Corporation, USA.

    Nick Short, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.

    Roger King, Mississippi State University, USA.     Co-chair