Takuji Imai The following are some observations and comments as the Observer. * Did the Assistant provide effective assistance for the Searcher? Not really. He gave some operational cues such as how to use Alta Vista, or provided some URLs for several Web sites which seemed to be useful. Sometimes those information is needed and useful, but in our case it didn't help searching. We couldn't find any answers. What the Searcher needed was, I think, some hint about searching strategy. They should have applied more systematic ways. Sometimes the Searcher seemed to spend too much time for one path, or select an option arbitrarily. The Assistant's suggestion was also somewhat arbitrary. This may have been caused by the fact that the Searcher never asked about searching strategy explicitly. And the conversation between the Searcher and the Assistant had some tempo, so probably it was difficult to the Assistant to explain an organized search strategy because it might mean to broke the rhythm of conversation. Of course sometimes the Assistant gave some new direction, such as new URL,when the Searcher came to a dead end. But those direction didn't seem consistent. One of the reasons might be the Assistant didn't have enough time to figure out appropriate search strategy. Those observation suggest that the Assistant for this task, either software or human, should have an ability to provide some good strategy to the Searcher when it's needed. The strategy should be based on some knowledge about WWW and the domain of interest. Also it should be formulated in real time fashion to adapt itself to the context. * Were there interactions smooth and communication between them good? * Were there times when one of them misunderstood the other? The communication between them were very smooth. I don't think there was any misunderstanding. Both of them knew the context well, and could adapt their comments to it. Assistant's suggestions were short and understandable. But as I noted before, this doesn't necessarily mean that the conversation was productive. * What could either the Searcher or the Assistant have done to facilitate working together? I didn't notice anything about this. Their interaction seemed so natural. They didn't try to interrupt the natural flow of conversation. They kept talking, they never missed a beat.