Alexander Repenning


Description & research interest:

We work on a system called Agentsheets used to build domain-oriented visual programming and simulation environments with Programming by Example support. One of our benchmarks is "SimCity in 10 minutes." What kind of programming approaches should be added to computer media to support the creation of application such as SimCity?

Agentsheets includes end-user programming approaches such as graphical rewrite rules and a brand new tactile programming approach called Visual AgenTalk.

Current Projects:

  • Agentsheets: a system to build visual programming, design and simulation environments.Agentsheets is used in all these other systems.
  • LEGOsheets: A Rule-Based Programming, Simulation and Manipulation Environment for the LEGO Programmable Brick.
  • Visual AgenTalk: a tactile programming approach for Agentsheet based on application world and programming world objects that can interact in new interesting ways supporting things like programming by example.
  • The Remote Exploratorium: a Web-based environment to distribute interactive exhibits packing up information & interaction in agents.
  • WebQuest: a "where on the web is Carmen SanDiego" adventure construction kit using the web as the word to explore.
  • CommonGrounds: a multi user version of Agentsheets that had been used to create a multi player WebQuest.