This directory contains files for processing motion capture data before performing inverse dynamics in SIMM. The following scripts are included: compare1.m -> sanity check script to validate GRF torque calculations. edit_fp1.m prepares the force plate treadmill data gathered from the Harvard/Bertec setup for processing in SIMM. The data is taken from an input .mat file and replaces erroneous data in a "first pass" .mot file. Note that the treadmill height and force plate positions are specific to this setup. NOTE: edit_fp1.m is the update to edit_fp.m (in "old" directory). plot_cop.m -> produces plots of the center of pressure position with respect to the foot markers for gait studies using the Harvard/Bertec setup. This allows one to check that the ground reaction forces are being input correctly to SIMM. plotfp.m -> script used to help determine low pass filter cutoff frequency. wrapper1.m -> wrapper script for running edit_fp1.m. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Example Computation for finding true mass of a subject: aa = find(walk125_1.Force(1).Force(3,:)<50); >> mean(walk125_1.Force(1).Force(3,aa)) ans = 27.3443 >> bb = find(walk125_1.Force(2).Force(3,:)<50); >> mean(walk125_1.Force(2).Force(3,bb)) ans = 6.2809 >> mean(rpose05.Force(1).Force(3,:))+mean(rpose05.Force(2).Force(3,:))-(27.3443+6.2809) ans = 625.0914 >> (mean(rpose05.Force(1).Force(3,:))+mean(rpose05.Force(2).Force(3,:))-(27.3443+6.2809))/9.81 ans = 63.7198