adaptive_filt.m -> implements adaptive whitening scheme. est_spect.m -> Produces periodogram estimate of power spectrum of input signal (rectangular window). calib_wrap.m -> combines all EMG normalizations for one subject into a single FMC structure. In the case of multiple contractions of the same muscle (for instance biarticular muscles) the maximum normalization value is returned. If requested, sample "on" and "off" stretches are provided for Weiner filtering. loadEMG.m -> loads the EMG data stored in a .mat file produced by the Harvard/Bertec setup. If requested it also determines the heel strike and toe off times for both feet. Its output is a data structure. preprocess1.m -> takes input EMG data and performs the following processing steps: 1.) Remove DC offset (mean). 2.) Clip motion artifacts (> 5 s.d. spikes). 3.) Full-wave rectify. 4.) Normalize by peak EMG. It produces the input for the Sanger-Zajac activation estimation method. process_calib.m -> determines EMG normalization constants from the input static contraction trials. If requested it also provides sample "on" and "off" stretches of muscle contraction for Weiner filtering. test_whiten.m -> small script for examining the effect of adaptive whitening scheme. wavmot.m -> explores the EMG signal in the time-frequency domain. whiten.m 0?