README for gc_avg directory: comb_avg_click.m -> produces means and standard deviations of the stimulation and activation profiles of the trials contained in listfile. These are normalized to numpts per gait cycle. The script provides three different options for discarding anomalous gait cycles, including the default "clicking" method. make_plots.m -> provides a means to compare different average estimated activation profiles across speed, subjects, or methods. select_curves.m -> allows one to remove outlier data curves by clicking them on a plot. It allows for multiple passes through the plot, if necessary. Upon entering data two plots are produced- one that tracks the curves selected in a given iteration and one that displays the remaining curves. When one concludes a pass through the plot they are prompted to declare whether they want to remove the selected curves and finish. If so, the selected curves are removed and the remaining data set is returned. If not, the user can either keep (i.e. in the case of errant clicking) or remove the curves selected in his/her last iteration and continue until finished. The indices of the removed curves and the remaining set are returned upon completion. wrapper.m -> wrapper function for activation processing scripts here, specifically comb_avg_click.m.