ShAir at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014
Jan 7-10, 2014
SketchShare: Sharing Handwritten Text and Drawings on enchantMOON Tablets
In collaboration with , we developed an app based on the ShAir platform for UEI's , and demonstrated it as part of the exhibition of the UEI booth at 2014.
enchantMOON is a tablet highly optimized for smooth handwriting. Just like a plain piece of paper, it starts with a blank screen with no graphical user interface (GUI) such as buttons or icons, but anything that has been written can be associated with digital processing, such as hyperlinks to other pages, web search with the written words, and launching custom apps.
Following the UEI's idea of creating digitally augmented paper, we implemented the app, SketchShare, to provide enchantMOON with another capability of digital processing to be applied to sketches. That is, to be able to share sketches with nearby devices (other enchantMOONs, smartphones, and TVs) in an ad-hoc manner without connecting to existing Wi-Fi hotspots. While there is no plan of commercial adoption of the ShAir technology or SketchShare app in enchantMOON as of now, this additional capability would enable collaborative meetings where attendees could share their ideas by sharing sketches on their tablets, see what's being discussed also on a large TV monitor in front, and take the sketches home with them in their phones.
- Flyer (400kB, PDF):
Sharing sketches between enchantMOON tablets, smartphones, and a TV was demonstrated.
The SketchShare app has no GUI either, and keeps running in the background.

- Examples of shared sketches during the show:
Some people took photos with the enchantMOON's built-in camera and wrote messages and signatures on them.
- Photos of the booth:
UEI kindly provided us with devices and one of the tables in their booth for our collaborative demo.
- Thank you for dropping by our demo!
These photos of visitors were also shared among the devices using ShAir.