The Tiling the Square Puzzler (solution page)

What approaches did you use to try and solve this puzzler? Can you prove that your solution is a minimal solution?

My first attempt at a solution was recursive. I successfully tiled the square, but I need an infinite number of triangles to do it!

My daughter Elise came up with this solution, only requiring 24 triangles.

Jon Orwant came up with a solution requiring only 14 triangles. Notice the similarity to the recursive solution.

By reducing Elise's solution, I came up with a solution that requires only 12 triangles.

By using a pentagon, Roger Kermode came up with two solutions requiring only 10 triangles!

Vadim Gerasimov is so clever. By using two overlapping pentagons, he has come up with a solution requiring only 8 triangles!

I asked Roger if he could solve the puzzle using obtuse angles. Here's his solution (only 6):

Can you come up with a solution that requires fewer triangles?

I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to come up with a minimal solution for right angles...