Cheops Terminal Utility

Chterm is the prefered terminal emulator for monitoring the Cheops debug console. It may also be referred to elsewhere as the comm window or the serial monitor. It is a simple host program that redirects it's stdin and stdout to a serial device. The appropriate serial device is typically defined by the shell environment variable $CHEOPS_SERIAL_DEV (see Host Environment for details), which is physically connected to the TTY0 serial port on the Cheops system. The Magic7 operating system's monitor uses that port for it's I/O. Thus all of chterm's input is redirected to the monitor's input, and all of the monitor's output is redirected to be chterm's output.

Other than redirecting standard I/O, the only thing that chterm does is support the serial download of software to the monitor program. Thankfully, this painful process is rarely needed outside of hardware debugging. For instructions on serial downloading a program go to the Magic7 monitor documentation.


   chterm [-h] [-q] [-brk] [-b < baud_rate> ] [< tty> ] [< objfile> ]


-b < baud_rate>
Talk to remote system at the specified baud rate.
Send break to remote system before trying to talk to it.
(Quiet) Don't monitor progress of autobaud and download.
help ! Prints above usage reminder.
< tty>
The host serial device to use (e.g. /dev/ttys0). If a device is not specified, you will be prompted.
< objfile >
If specified, the object file will be downloaded over the serial port. Note that the monitor must previously be told to expect a download.

The Cheops Host Environment creates the following alias for you that simplifies using chterm to communicate with Cheops over the appropriate serial device:


Chterm is the gnu960 release 2.0 version of comm960, which has been stripped down and modified for use with Cheops. The following bugs and features from previous comm960 and m7comm960 terminal emulation programs have been fixed:

To get an idea of what physical connections chterm requires refer to the Cheops Hardware Introduction.

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This is a "fix it yourself" page, located at /mas/garden/cheops/WWW/software/chterm_usage.html