Who is


Fluids are the communication medium between lifeforms across desperate scales from macro biophysical systems like the ocean to the nanoscale microbes inhabiting the surface of our bodies. A single droplet can indicate a state of infection or wholeness depending upon the information contained therein. Whether it be in Portugal, India, United States or China, questions that involve the underlying biological or chemical state of materials are daily occurrences across cultures and geographies. What if everyday materials could communicate to us their underlying states? What if we could dynamically program their physical attributes such as color, smell and form? Can intelligent materials enable us to gain a greater level of awareness about our chemical environment? Can we enable them to sense, think or act in response to human needs?

I live between the lines of art, science, design and technology. Utilizing tools from hardware, wetware and software, I explore relationships between humans and seemingly disparate systems across domains and scales.

I make devices, interactions, artifacts, tools, experiences, perceptions, environments and experiments that express my obsession with bridging these relationships. Sometimes utilitarian, other times sensorial. Making to probe curiously, to discover and invent the connections between here and tomorrow.

<3 Viirj