Preparation for General Exams

Tod Machover, Julius O. Smith, Deb K. Roy, Andrew Lippman, Alan V. Oppenheim


By the end of the third semester, every doctoral candidate in Media Arts and Sciences must pass a general examination consisting of both written and oral components. The general exam proposal consists of three area descriptions (main, technical, contextual) and their associated reading lists. The written component consists of two 24-hour take-home open-book exams (technical, contextual areas) and a long publishable quality paper (main area). The oral component consists of a 30 minute presentation by the examinee, followed by a series of questions by the exam committee for about 2.5 hours. This page contains the documents (descriptions, papers) and schedule concerning my general exams at the MIT Media Lab.


Cover letter to DCGS
Introduction proposal summary
Main Area: Audio, Gesture, and Music Analysis with Machines
Tod Machover
Technical Area: Machine Listening
Julius O. Smith
Contextual Area: Machine Learning
Deb K. Roy



Proposal submitted to DCGS September 16, 2002
Proposal accepted by DCGS September 26, 2002
Main Area article deadline December 20, 2002
Technical Area written examination January 23, 2003
Contextual Area written examination January 31, 2003
Oral Examination (with Tod Machover, Deb K. Roy, Alan V. Oppenheim replacing Julius O. Smith, and DCGS member Andrew Lippman) February 6, 2003