Downbeat Estimation


Spanish pop - orchestrated downbeat
Guitar, bass, and drums downbeat
Pop electro downbeat
Kravitz - pop rock (saturated) downbeat
Beatles - piano and voice downbeat
Madonna - a lot going on downbeat
Folk from Forrest Gump downbeat
Norah - smooth jazz downbeat
Folk from Kill Bill downbeat
Simple guitar plus voice (3/4) downbeat
Strings plus choir (3/4) downbeat
Old TV soundtrack (3/4) downbeat
Herbie - tricky one (6/4) downbeat


Cases that did not work (the heuristic case)

Fast Irish harpsichord tune (3/4) downbeat
E.S.T. - jazz (6/4) downbeat

The James Brown problem (through learning)

Estimation of training data downbeat
Estimation of testing data downbeat