This past Thursday in MAS.890 was dedicated to class presentations of Assignment #3. These went extremely well and were quite fun ! The range of activities documented and the ideas that came out were inspiring, and we still have more to go since we ran out of time. We'll do the rest of the presentations next week (approximately 5 more I believe). * * * Please continue to send me your electronic submissions for Assignment #3. If you sent me a raw PowerPoint or Word document, can you please re-submit it as a PDF or HTML (with all associated media files gathered together) -- some have had trouble reading certain formats. I will post all of these on the web site as soon as possible. * * * I have refined the wording for the Assignment #4 on the web site This assignment is due for presentation on March 21 (meeting 7). I think you will find this one fun as well. Here it is: Assignment 4: The little things are sometimes the most important Pick a single human behavior. It can be as subtle a behavior as you wish, and it can be related to something you discovered through the previous assignment or a completely new idea. Focus tightly on this behavior and describe it in extreme detail. Where and when is it exhibited? What causes it? How is it displayed? How is it noticed? What purpose does it serve, if any? What effect does it have on other people or on the environment? Use more than words to describe your investigation -- drawings, photos, video, audio... Then, design a system (or systems) to convey this behavior to a far away place. Don't let shortcomings in current technologies limit your imagination. Describe some of the technical details you envision, and again, use more than just words to express these designs. For "extra credit" build a prototype or implement part of your idea. We encourage you to work with at least one but not more than two other people. We also strongly encourage working with someone from the far side and/or someone who you have not worked with before. Use the contacts you have made on the other side to scope out partners. Prepare a ~3 minute class presentation as well as an electronic version that can be posted on the course web site. Preferred formats for submission are PDF, HTML (with all images/media files collected together), Quicktime or MPEG movies, and most audio formats. Please do not submit raw Microsoft Word or Powerpoint files.