(RAW)project~capture process
"the cardboard box"

our very first prototype combined, in a small rectangular cardboard box, a miniature digital camera and a MiniDisc (MD) recorder that connected to the microphones worn in the user’s ears. as a way of getting started, in this prototype, the camera was wired to trigger the MD recorder to commence recording sound only after a picture was taken.

this version has been used for the research phase between february and april 2003.

the 1-hour version

we created an 80-minute version that simply consists of a higher-quality camera that is synchronized with an MD recorder, worn separately on the waist or in a pocket. the MD records continuously for its maximum 80 minute duration. later, a piece of software extracts the minute of sound before and after each photograph was taken, using the image timestamps that are recorded automatically by the digital camera.

this version has been used for the research phase between may and september 2003.


the 24-hour version we're currently developing a 24-hour version, as originally aimed for.