
The duck?... Maybe the duck is simply you.
His Migration?... Your own voyage of discovery.
The growing plumage?... Your inner garden that you may cultivate.

For this project, one hundred and fifty interactive plushy ducks were conceived as symbolic community-bonding artifacts. Every member of the community had their own stuffed plushy duck.

At the completion of this initiation journey everyone will find where their duck belongs in The Row. Maybe The Row is the mixture of personalities, experiences and culture that everyone in the community can enrich; a nest where ideas and people are incubated and taken care of until they hatch and are ready to fly by themselves...

Le Why

Why ducks...
Because of migration, the long journey of those passing birds. Because of Boston's history and the famous children book "Make way for duckings" by bostonian Robert McCloskey. Because of the nest and because of the hard necessity of getting out of the nest and exploring all the environnent, water, earth and sky. Because of the ugly ducking and the personal dfference. Because, just because.


- 151 pairs of socks
- a bunch of googly eyes
- a couple of thread bobbins
- dozens of hot glue sticks
- 300 rubber bands
- 150 hooked rubber bands
- scissors, needles, hot glue gun, thimble,

one duck = 99% socks


When getting close to one of the 20 touchscreens present in the lab, here is what pops up:
You are then asked to choose the between the all the ducks currently recognized by the rfid reader, and to click on the duckling of the same color as the plushy one you are carrying

some text

Then two possible scenarii: If this screen is not the right one and it engages you to keep searching, giving you a clue of where to go, either wrong screen would give you a different clue, to help you narrow the choice

some text

When you finally finish your migration through your environment and find the rignt screen, you are then asked to be creative.

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Contribute to create a collective library by recalling such an ancient, primitive way of expression.

         The first one we all learned

                   The most universal of all expressive media

                                       The most immediate

some text

Birds of a feather...

Collecting the feathers and growing one's duck plumage

some text

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