How will our notion of visual information change with UltraHighSpeed imaging?

UltraHighSpeed= 1000 frames/sec to 1M frames/sec to recording at pico-seconds to capturing every photon
What if we can process light as fast we can process sound today? (or What if light traveled as slow as sound?
or we could analyze/shape/display light as fast as we do sound today)?

My group, as you know, is starting a project in femto-second high dimensional light transport. So I will be curious to hear your thoughts
for ultrahighspeed all the way down to femto-second exposure times/frame rates.

Due *Tuesday at 5pm*, Don’t react, Influence!, ** Comment on each others responses
(Bob Shaw’s ‘Light of Other Days’ 1966, Slow Glass)

Ultra high speed imaging, Not just 'Bullet Time' (Matrix), Capture any fast moving activity you want.

Sound travels roughly 1 foor/millisecond: ideal for electronic processing but travels too slow for good geometric applications
Light travels 1 foot/nanosecond, fast but too fast for current electronics to compute travel time
(Btw if we find phenomenon that travels at 1 foot/microsecond, it will revolutionize several industries)
1 fs = 300 nanometer
1 ps = 300 micrometer
1 ns = 300 milimeter = 1 foot

Not a hypothetical question, femto-second processing is already possible
Tomorrow’s camera will capture each photon
Time of flight of light is easy to compute (range computation)
3D sensing is easy
Can detect thickness of glass
(For traditional high speed, only 4000 fps, )
(Moonwalking Bird )

We will have optical GPS location system inside house (current GPS works on time of flight from satellites which is in seconds)
Novel camera flash
Ultra high speed processing
Negative refractive Index, Invisibility Cloak
High speed crash testing

The batter gets trajectory info on the pitched curve ball fraction of a second after it leaves the pitchers hand
Police wear 'incoming bullet' detectors (and fast actuators to move them out of the way)
Air bags deploy even before the crash
Be a superman
= = = = = = = =
Some Links to get started
Traditional highspeed

Femto/pico speed (Femtochemistry Nobel prize in 1999) (just read notes from first chapter)