Affiliations: |
MERL: Ramesh
Raskar, Jonathan Westhues, Paul Dietz, John Barnwell, U of Tokyo: Hideaki Nii, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium: Bert de Decker, Philippe Bekaert, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo: Yuki Hashimoto, Masahiko Inami Georgia Institute of Technology: Jay Summet, Syracuse U.: Dylan Moore, Brown U.: Yong Zhao Columnia University: Shree K. Nayar, Vlad Branzoi University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Michael Noland Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany: Erich Bruns Media: EETimes [Local], CGWorld, VFXWorld , DigitalArts IEEE Signal Processing Magazine on latest Mo-cap Methods Wikipedia on Motion Capture Second Skin: Augmenting Human Performance and Improving Motor LearningDennis Miaw and Ramesh Raskar, MIT Media Lab
Media: Technology Review, BitStream, DVICE, Slashdot, Fast Company |
Figure Above: Motion and illumination capture in a natural setting with imperceptible tags. (Top row: Left) A video frame from a recording session. (Right) A virtual sword inserted with correct location, orientation, lighting and motion blur. (Bottom Right) Traces of hidden tags superimposed on an actor running in sunlight. | Comparison of Prakash system with other
Camera-based Optical Motion Capture systems. |
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Camera Culture Group MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA