Collaboration between People, Computers and Things

Collaboration between People, Computers and Things

Graduate Seminar MAS 962 , Spring 1996; Prereq.: Permission of instructors; G (Spring) 0-9-0 H-LEVEL Grad Credit

When: Wednesday, 11:00AM-1:00PM

Where: E15-054 ** NOTE ROOM CHANGE !! **

Instructors: Hiroshi Ishii and Henry Lieberman

Hiroshi Ishii * Room: E15-485 * Tel. 3-7514 *
Henry Lieberman * Room: E15-305A * Tel. 3-0315 *

  • The course schedule
  • The course reading list
  • Course members and their e-mail addresses
  • Slides for Henry's first lecture
  • The "Information Diary" Project
  • The "Wizard of Oz" Agent Experiment
  • Reflections on Shared Media Spaces
  • Project Proposals
  • Final Projects
  • Archives of the course mailing list

  • Course description

    We live in a complex world composed both of atoms and bits. In this world, we interact with people, computers and other objects in the environment. The computing capability we design into objects in our physical environments as well as in our virtual arenas are rapidly increasing, but it does not necessarily translate into productive interactions. We must take steps to ensure that the interactions between people, computers, and their environment is useful, helpful and fun.

    This seminar will explore aspects of media design that facilitate dynamic interactions between

    Students will investigate the design space of media for seamless interaction using concept sketches, mockups, and simple prototyping. Regular readings, papers, and small projects will also be required.

    The focus of this course is to consider:

    We will focus on innovative concepts, theoretical frameworks, software and system architecture.

    We will explore current work in non-traditional interfaces, such as

    We will introduce innovative concepts, concrete examples of system design, video and live demonstrations of systems, and lessons learned through the use of systems to address the various issues of media design. The goal of this course is to explore a new paradigm of media design that augments the human interactions through class discussions and small projects.