Facilitator's Corner Activities Toolkit Things to Remember Resources  
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Forms, Handouts & Posters


After a couple of sessions into a project, it usually becomes very hard to remember what has been discussed at different moments or keep track of what different people are doing.  In order to address this problem it is recommended that YAN facilitators maintain a box in which they can store all the paperwork that is produced during project development.

In Boston, the so-called "YAN Box" is made out of plastic and contains individual folders for each young activist and for each session.  It is really nice to see how proud young activists usually are about their personal folders.  It is also good to have a space where we can fold and store the large pieces of paper used in group discussions.  We also have a special folder where we put all the forms and flyers distributed throughout the term.

With everything in a box, we can easily have our sessions at different parts of our community organization - we never know which room is going to be available for us - and refer back to all of them during the final production of the project story.

Please let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions. Your feedback is really important to us! Please send us your contributions to yan@media.mit.edu.


The YAN Box contains folders for each session and for each participant.
Remember to fold and store the results of group discussions.