An eD Model

Towards a general eDevelopment model for different communities.

by Carla Gomez-Monroy



The idea is to design an eDevelopment model that can take into account --and, as far as possible, rationally harness-- a broad array of dynamic forces while focusing on one or more of them to maximize specific expected results.



Convenient features of the model are:



Communication: To adequately integrate the digital environment into a certain community's reality, interdisciplinary work is needed, as well as the cooperation of different entities.




Generalization: Making use of published MIT Media Lab research concerns, at this stage, some generalizations are suggested, based on a single community development experience, the Coatepec Community Development Project, a more traditional community self-diagnosis project.




Ripple effect: If things are done right, a beneficial ripple effect should be triggered. That is, a community's successful eDevelopment should directly or indirectly empower other communities to eDevelop.



Although I intend the eD Model to be comprehensive and far reaching, at this stage most everything remains to be done, thus the purpose of proposing the design of the model for graduate work at the Media Lab. The graphic and textual representation which follows is a preliminary still depiction of the dynamic eD Models's forces, concepts, and their interactions.

Towards a General eD Model
