I completed my Ph.D. at the MIT Media Lab in 2013, where I was a member of the Cognitive Machines group headed by Prof. Deb Roy. I worked on the Human Speechome Project, studying early word learning from the dense audio and video data we collected from the home of a family with a young child. We published a paper summarizing this work and our findings here.
More of my publications are linked here.
Media Lab general exam proposal and reading list
Media Lab PhD thesis proposal
I was an undergraduate at Brown University and studied computer science. Later, I joined Stratify, Inc., a startup company in Silicon Valley and worked with Dr. Joy Thomas on machine learning and data mining algorithms for text analysis. During graduate school I spent some time working at Bluefin Labs, which was later acquired by Twitter. Following my Ph.D. and a postdoc I joined Twitter, where I currently lead a data science team in our Cambridge, MA office. At the current rate of my editing this page, it's probably better to just check out what I'm up to on LinkedIn.
You can email me here: | ![]() |