What will be in Photoshop2028?
Photoshop=Premier/Maya/GoogleSketch/VR/AR (any multimedia manipulation
plus multimedia printer)
Life experience records/DNA-Genome modeling/SecondLife predictions/
Designer babies (edit future beauty features)/
Editable-printable material at molecular structure (print ANY organic
or inorganic material)
Not just designing skins for gadgets/CDs but skins for your body
Remember search is almost solved, GoogleEarthLive, UltimateMobileCam is
already here in 2028
Plus InsideLive (hundreds of nano-cameras inside your body),
Due Tuesday at 5pm
Don’t react to existing technology, Influence!
** Comment on each others responses
(Think about who uses multimedia manipulation software today, and who
will use it in the future)
What camera features will make user editing easy and fun?
(Very important: think about new camera technologies, e.g. camera that
directly give you material index or depth or depth edges or
illumination-reflectance separation)
What new visual media we will capture?
New UI (Minority Report/ Diamond Touch/Surface/Jeff Hahn/ ) New
platforms (mobile phones?) (Mind-control)
Collaborative image editing (flickr2028)
Exploit multispectral data/programmed illumination/ Fantasy optics
(lightfields)? live feed (TV), distant vision, 10x-performance,
watermarking, geo-tagging
Instant ‘software update’ (Published SigSenses paper is new feature the
moment it is published/refined by users)?
Will we all broadcast our own edited TV channel? (like our webpage)
Will ‘lighting’ become professional?
Video blogging, Citizen Journalism
Cloning and beautification of anything tangible
Impact on Society
Social networks, News, Commerce, Entertainment