Michail Bletsas

Director of Computing

MIT Media Lab

Room E15-490
20 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
mbletsas at media dot mit dot edu

I am a Research Scientist at the MIT Media Lab where I lead the Network Computing Systems (NeCSys) group. Our mission is to design, install and maintain the infrastructure that the lab uses to produce, store, move, convert and consume its bits. I always believed that Sun's motto, "The Network is the Computer", best described the state of our field long before the world wide web was conceived.
My group's long term goal here at the lab, is to render ourselves obsolete by designing and implementing a smart, self configuring, redundant and adaptive infrastructure. The arteries are already in place in the form of 250 miles of optical fiber. Considering that we are still missing the brains and the hearts, we do not anticipate looking for a career change in the near future....